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Eren Yilmaz 6 년 전

+ 12 - 0

@@ -49,4 +49,16 @@
 	publisher = {Eclipse Foundation},
 	month = jun,
 	year = {2018}
+	address = {Kiel},
+	title = {Node and {Label} {Placement} in a {Layered} {Layout} {Algorithm}},
+	abstract = {In graphical modelling, the arrangement of diagram elements can be a tiresome and mechanic work. To free users from this, layout algorithms arrange the diagram elements automatically. Different modelling domains require different layouts. A layout approach suitable for data flow diagrams is the layered layout approach. This approach is structured in several phases, of which one is called node placement. Present implementations are known to produce many edge bends. One task of this thesis is to employ a node placement algorithm which yields significantly less edge bends. Another well known problem in layout algorithms is label placement. Present approaches rely on a post-processing by placing labels after the diagram has been laid out. The approaches presented in this thesis integrate label placement into the layout, resulting in more freedom and clean placements of labels. Evaluation shows that both tasks can be fulfilled, but have to accept a trade-off which is a generally larger drawing of the respective  diagrams.},
+	language = {english},
+	school = {Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel},
+	author = {Carstens, John Julian},
+	month = sep,
+	year = {2012},
+	file = {Carstens - Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algor.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eren\\Zotero\\storage\\AE9E539E\\Carstens - Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algor.pdf:application/pdf}

+ 37 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
- xmlns:prism="http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/1.2/basic/">
+ xmlns:prism="http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/1.2/basic/"
+ xmlns:vcard="http://nwalsh.com/rdf/vCard#">
     <bib:BookSection rdf:about="urn:isbn:978-3-540-43309-5%20978-3-540-45848-7">
@@ -194,4 +195,39 @@
         <dc:title>ELK: Eclipse Layout Kernel - Automatic layout for Java applications</dc:title>
+    <bib:Thesis rdf:about="#item_1066">
+        <z:itemType>thesis</z:itemType>
+        <dc:publisher>
+            <foaf:Organization>
+                <vcard:adr>
+                    <vcard:Address>
+                       <vcard:locality>Kiel</vcard:locality>
+                    </vcard:Address>
+                </vcard:adr>
+                <foaf:name>Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel</foaf:name>
+            </foaf:Organization>
+        </dc:publisher>
+        <bib:authors>
+            <rdf:Seq>
+                <rdf:li>
+                    <foaf:Person>
+                        <foaf:surname>Carstens</foaf:surname>
+                        <foaf:givenname>John Julian</foaf:givenname>
+                    </foaf:Person>
+                </rdf:li>
+            </rdf:Seq>
+        </bib:authors>
+        <link:link rdf:resource="#item_1065"/>
+        <dc:date>September 2012</dc:date>
+        <z:type>master</z:type>
+        <z:language>english</z:language>
+        <dcterms:abstract>In graphical modelling, the arrangement of diagram elements can be a tiresome and mechanic work. To free users from this, layout algorithms arrange the diagram elements automatically. Different modelling domains require different layouts. A layout approach suitable for data flow diagrams is the layered layout approach. This approach is structured in several phases, of which one is called node placement. Present implementations are known to produce many edge bends. One task of this thesis is to employ a node placement algorithm which yields significantly less edge bends. Another well known problem in layout algorithms is label placement. Present approaches rely on a post-processing by placing labels after the diagram has been laid out. The approaches presented in this thesis integrate label placement into the layout, resulting in more freedom and clean placements of labels. Evaluation shows that both tasks can be fulfilled, but have to accept a trade-off which is a generally larger drawing of the respective  diagrams.</dcterms:abstract>
+        <dc:title>Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algorithm</dc:title>
+    </bib:Thesis>
+    <z:Attachment rdf:about="#item_1065">
+        <z:itemType>attachment</z:itemType>
+        <rdf:resource rdf:resource="files/1065/Carstens - Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algor.pdf"/>
+        <dc:title>Carstens - Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algor.pdf</dc:title>
+        <link:type>application/pdf</link:type>
+    </z:Attachment>

+ 0 - 0
material/jjc-mt.pdf → doc/zotero_backup/NodePlacementAnimation/files/1065/Carstens - Node and Label Placement in a Layered Layout Algor.pdf