@@ -51,44 +51,47 @@ Advantages of this architecture include:
\section{System Requirements and Software Dependencies}\label{sec:systemRequirements}
-\begin{longtable}{l l p{6cm}}
- \rowcolor{gray!50}
- \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
- Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
- Display & $1024 \times 768$ resolution & $1920 \times 1080$ resolution \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
- GPU & capable of 2D rendering & rendering in $1920 \times 1080$ resolution\\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- Internet connection & not any & not any\\
- \\
- \caption{System Requirements}
- \label{table:systemRequirements}
-\begin{longtable}{l p{1cm} p{6cm}}
- \rowcolor{gray!50}
- \textbf{Dependency} && \textbf{Version} \\
- Java && $\geq8$ \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- JSON-java~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} && \\
- Eclipse Layout Kernel~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} && \\
- \\
+The software \appname relies on is listed in table~\ref{table:softwareDependencies}.
+The requirements to any system running \appname are demanded in table~\ref{table:systemRequirements}.
+ \centering
+ \small
+ \begin{tabular}{l p{1cm} p{6cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Dependency} && \textbf{Version} \\
+ Java && $\geq8$ \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ JSON-java~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} && \\
+ Eclipse Layout Kernel~\cite{noauthor_elk:_2018} && \\
+ \\
+ \end{tabular}
\caption[Software Dependencies]{Software Dependencies. If no version is given, all should work and the latest is recommended.}
+ \centering
+ \small
+ \begin{tabular}{l l p{6cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
+ Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
+ Display & $1024 \times 768$ resolution & $1920 \times 1080$ resolution \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
+ GPU & capable of 2D rendering & rendering in $1920 \times 1080$ resolution\\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ Internet connection & not any & not any\\
+ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{System Requirements}
+ \label{table:systemRequirements}
\section{Input File Format}\label{sec:inputFileFormat}
The input to \appname\ is a JSON file.
@@ -105,51 +108,55 @@ For parsing the JSON file the JSON-java library~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} is
The classes for reading and writing those JSON files are displayed in figure~\ref{fig:io}.
The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{sec:graph}.
- \hline
- Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
- name & string & yes & If not omitted, this must be unique for a given parent node. \\\hline
- width & integer & yes & The minimum width of the node.
- The node can be wider if it contains other nodes that need more space.
- If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum width can be exceeded after the shrinking.
- Default 40.\\\hline
- height & integer & yes & The minimum height of the node.
- The node can be higher if it contains other nodes that need more space.
- If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum height can be exceeded after the shrinking.
- Default 40.\\\hline
- dummy & boolean & yes & Iff this is explicitly set to true, then the node is a dummy node. This attribute is necessary, because we expect previous stages to have eliminated multilayer edges, see section~\ref{sec:assumptions}. \\\hline
- layers & < < node > > & yes & The layers of nodes inside this node (Hierarchy). \\\hline
- edges & < edge > & yes & The edges between nodes whose parent node is this node. \\\hline
- \caption[Node Attributes]{Node Attributes. < \emph{element type} > is a list.}
- \label{table:node-attributes}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 26cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
- \caption[Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
- \label{fig:io}
- \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|p{8.5cm}|}
- \hline
- Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
+ \begin{tabular}{l l l p{8.5cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Attribute} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Optional} & \textbf{Explanation} \\
source & string & no & The name of the source of this edge.
Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{target} attribute. \\\hline
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
target & string & no & The name of the target of this edge.
Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{source} attribute. \\\hline
- \end{longtable}
+ \end{tabular}
\caption{Edge Attributes}
+ \centering
+ \small
+ \begin{tabular}{l l l p{8.5cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Attribute} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Optional} & \textbf{Explanation} \\
+ name & string & yes & If not omitted, this must be unique for a given parent node. \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ width & integer & yes & The minimum width of the node.
+ The node can be wider if it contains other nodes that need more space.
+ If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum width can be exceeded after the shrinking.
+ Default 40.\\
+ height & integer & yes & The minimum height of the node.
+ The node can be higher if it contains other nodes that need more space.
+ If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum height can be exceeded after the shrinking.
+ Default 40.\\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ dummy & boolean & yes & Iff this is explicitly set to true, then the node is a dummy node. This attribute is necessary, because we expect previous stages to have eliminated multilayer edges, see section~\ref{sec:assumptions}. \\
+ layers & < < node > > & yes & The layers of nodes inside this node (Hierarchy). \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ edges & < edge > & yes & The edges between nodes whose parent node is this node. \\\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption[Node Attributes]{Node Attributes. < \emph{element type} > is a list.}
+ \label{table:node-attributes}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 26cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
+ \caption[Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
+ \label{fig:io}