#include "Cube.h" #include "Textur.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Model3DList.h" #include "TexturList.h" #include "DXBuffer.h" using namespace Framework; // Inhalt der Cube Klasse // Konstruktor // size: Die Größe des Würfels Cube::Cube( float size ) : Model3D() { if( m3dRegister->hatModel( Standart3DTypes::cube ) ) model = m3dRegister->getModel( Standart3DTypes::cube ); else { model = new Model3DData(); m3dRegister->addModel( model->getThis(), Standart3DTypes::cube ); float stdSize = 100; float left, right, top, bottom; // Calculate the screen coordinates of the left side of the bitmap. left = (float)( ( stdSize / 2.0 ) * -1 ); // Calculate the screen coordinates of the right side of the bitmap. right = left + (float)stdSize; // Calculate the screen coordinates of the top of the bitmap. top = (float)( stdSize / 2.0 ); // Calculate the screen coordinates of the bottom of the bitmap. bottom = top - (float)stdSize; float front = -stdSize / 2; float back = front + stdSize; Vertex3D *vertecies = new Vertex3D[ 24 ]; for( int i = 0; i < 24; i++ ) vertecies[ i ].knochenId = 0; vertecies[ 0 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, front ); vertecies[ 0 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 1 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, front ); vertecies[ 1 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 2 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 2 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 3 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 3 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 4 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, back ); vertecies[ 4 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 5 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, back ); vertecies[ 5 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 6 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 6 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 1.0f ); vertecies[ 7 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 7 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 1.0f ); vertecies[ 8 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, front ); vertecies[ 8 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 9 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, front ); vertecies[ 9 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 10 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 10 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 11 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 11 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 12 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, back ); vertecies[ 12 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 13 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, back ); vertecies[ 13 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 14 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 14 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 1.0f ); vertecies[ 15 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 15 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 1.0f ); vertecies[ 16 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, front ); vertecies[ 16 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 17 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, front ); vertecies[ 17 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 1.f ); vertecies[ 18 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 18 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 19 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, front ); vertecies[ 19 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.f, 0.f ); vertecies[ 20 ].pos = Vec3( left, top, back ); vertecies[ 20 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 21 ].pos = Vec3( right, top, back ); vertecies[ 21 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 0.0f ); vertecies[ 22 ].pos = Vec3( left, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 22 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 0.0f, 1.0f ); vertecies[ 23 ].pos = Vec3( right, bottom, back ); vertecies[ 23 ].tPos = Vec2< float >( 1.0f, 1.0f ); model->setVertecies( vertecies, 24 ); // front side Polygon3D *p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 0; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 3; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 2; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 0; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 1; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 3; model->addPolygon( p ); // back side p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 4; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 6; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 7; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 4; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 7; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 5; model->addPolygon( p ); // right side p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 1 + 8; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 7 + 8; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 3 + 8; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 1 + 8; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 5 + 8; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 7 + 8; model->addPolygon( p ); // left side p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 0 + 8; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 2 + 8; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 6 + 8; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 0 + 8; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 6 + 8; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 4 + 8; model->addPolygon( p ); // top side p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 4 + 16; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 1 + 16; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 0 + 16; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 4 + 16; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 5 + 16; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 1 + 16; model->addPolygon( p ); // down side p = new Polygon3D(); p->indexAnz = 6; p->indexList = new int[ p->indexAnz ]; p->indexBuffer->setLength( p->indexAnz * 4 ); p->indexBuffer->setData( p->indexList ); p->indexList[ 0 ] = 6 + 16; p->indexList[ 1 ] = 2 + 16; p->indexList[ 2 ] = 3 + 16; p->indexList[ 3 ] = 6 + 16; p->indexList[ 4 ] = 3 + 16; p->indexList[ 5 ] = 7 + 16; model->addPolygon( p ); } textur = new Model3DTextur(); } // Setzt die Textur des Würfels, so dass sie an allen Seiten gleich ist // textur: Die Textur void Cube::setTextur( Textur *textur ) { this->textur->setPolygonTextur( LINKS, textur->getThis() ); this->textur->setPolygonTextur( OBEN, textur->getThis() ); this->textur->setPolygonTextur( RECHTS, textur->getThis() ); this->textur->setPolygonTextur( UNTEN, textur->getThis() ); this->textur->setPolygonTextur( VORNE, textur->getThis() ); this->textur->setPolygonTextur( HINTEN, textur ); rend = 1; } // Setzt die Textur von einer bestimmten Seite des Würfels // textur: Die Textur // s: Die Seite, die gesetzt werden soll void Cube::setTextur( Textur *textur, CubeSeite s ) { this->textur->setPolygonTextur( s, textur ); rend = 1; }