17 KB

  1. import sys
  2. from getpass import getpass
  3. from inspect import signature
  4. import connection
  5. from connection import client_request
  6. from debug import debug
  7. from game import DEFAULT_ORDER_EXPIRY
  8. from run_client import allowed_commands, fake_loading_bar
  9. from util import my_tabulate
  10. exiting = False
  11. def login(username=None, password=None):
  12. if connection.session_id is not None:
  13. fake_loading_bar('Signing out', duration=0.7)
  14. connection.session_id = None
  15. if username is None:
  16. username = input('Username: ')
  17. if password is None:
  18. if sys.stdin.isatty():
  19. password = getpass('Password: ')
  20. else:
  21. password = input('Password: ')
  22. fake_loading_bar('Signing in', duration=2.3)
  23. response = client_request('login', {"username": username, "password": password})
  24. success = 'session_id' in response
  25. if success:
  26. connection.session_id = response['session_id']
  27. print('Login successful.')
  28. else:
  29. if 'error_message' in response:
  30. print('Login failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  31. else:
  32. print('Login failed.')
  33. def register(username=None, game_key='', password=None, retype_pw=None):
  34. if connection.session_id is not None:
  35. connection.session_id = None
  36. fake_loading_bar('Signing out', duration=0.7)
  37. if username is None:
  38. username = input('Username: ')
  39. if password is None:
  40. if sys.stdin.isatty():
  41. password = getpass('New password: ')
  42. retype_pw = getpass('Retype password: ')
  43. else:
  44. password = input('New password: ')
  45. retype_pw = input('Retype password: ')
  46. if password != retype_pw:
  47. print('Passwords do not match.')
  48. return
  49. elif retype_pw is None:
  50. if sys.stdin.isatty():
  51. retype_pw = getpass('Retype password: ')
  52. else:
  53. retype_pw = input('Retype password: ')
  54. if password != retype_pw:
  55. print('Passwords do not match.')
  56. return
  57. if not debug:
  58. if game_key == '':
  59. print('Entering a game key will provide you with some starting money and other useful stuff.')
  60. game_key = input('Game key (leave empty if you don\'t have one): ')
  61. fake_loading_bar('Validating Registration', duration=5.2)
  62. if game_key != '':
  63. fake_loading_bar('Validating Game Key', duration=0.4)
  64. response = client_request('register', {"username": username, "password": password, "game_key": game_key})
  65. if 'error_message' in response:
  66. print('Registration failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  67. def cancel_order(order_no=None):
  68. if order_no is None:
  69. order_no = input('Order No.: ')
  70. fake_loading_bar('Validating Request', duration=0.6)
  71. response = client_request('cancel_order', {"session_id": connection.session_id, "order_id": order_no})
  72. if 'error_message' in response:
  73. print('Order cancelling failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  74. def change_pw(password=None, retype_pw=None):
  75. if password != retype_pw:
  76. password = None
  77. if password is None:
  78. if sys.stdin.isatty():
  79. password = getpass('New password: ')
  80. retype_pw = getpass('Retype password: ')
  81. else:
  82. password = input('New password: ')
  83. retype_pw = input('Retype password: ')
  84. if password != retype_pw:
  85. print('Passwords do not match.')
  86. return
  87. elif retype_pw is None:
  88. if sys.stdin.isatty():
  89. retype_pw = getpass('Retype password: ')
  90. else:
  91. retype_pw = input('Retype password: ')
  92. if password != retype_pw:
  93. print('Passwords do not match.')
  94. return
  95. fake_loading_bar('Validating password', duration=1.2)
  96. fake_loading_bar('Changing password', duration=5.2)
  97. response = client_request('change_password', {"session_id": connection.session_id, "password": password})
  98. if 'error_message' in response:
  99. print('Changing password failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  100. fake_loading_bar('Signing out', duration=0.7)
  101. connection.session_id = None
  102. # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
  103. def help():
  104. print('Allowed commands:')
  105. command_table = []
  106. for cmd in allowed_commands:
  107. this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
  108. method = getattr(this_module, cmd)
  109. params = signature(method).parameters
  110. command_table.append([cmd] + [p for p in params])
  111. print(my_tabulate(command_table, tablefmt='pipe', headers=['command',
  112. 'param 1',
  113. 'param 2',
  114. 'param 3',
  115. 'param 4',
  116. 'param 5',
  117. ]))
  118. print('NOTE:')
  119. print(' All parameters for all commands are optional!')
  120. print(' Commands can be combined in one line with ; between them.')
  121. print(' Parameters are separated with whitespace.')
  122. print(' Use . as a decimal separator.')
  123. print(' Use 0/1 for boolean parameters (other strings might work).')
  124. def depot():
  125. fake_loading_bar('Loading data', duration=1.3)
  126. response = client_request('depot', {"session_id": connection.session_id})
  127. success = 'data' in response and 'own_wealth' in response
  128. if success:
  129. data = response['data']
  130. for row in data:
  131. row.append(row[1] * row[2])
  132. print(my_tabulate(data,
  133. headers=['Object', 'Amount', 'Course', 'Bid', 'Ask', 'Est. Value'],
  134. tablefmt="pipe"))
  135. print('This corresponds to a wealth of roughly', response['own_wealth'])
  136. else:
  137. if 'error_message' in response:
  138. print('Depot access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  139. else:
  140. print('Depot access failed.')
  141. def leaderboard():
  142. fake_loading_bar('Loading data', duration=1.3)
  143. response = client_request('leaderboard', {})
  144. success = 'data' in response
  145. if success:
  146. print(my_tabulate(response['data'], headers=['Trader', 'Wealth'], tablefmt="pipe"))
  147. # print('Remember that the goal is to be as rich as possible, not to be richer than other traders!')
  148. else:
  149. if 'error_message' in response:
  150. print('Leaderboard access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  151. else:
  152. print('Leaderboard access failed.')
  153. def activate_key(key=''):
  154. if key == '':
  155. print('Entering a game key may get you some money or other useful stuff.')
  156. key = input('Key: ')
  157. if key == '':
  158. print('Invalid key.')
  159. fake_loading_bar('Validating Key', duration=0.4)
  160. response = client_request('activate_key', {"session_id": connection.session_id, 'key': key})
  161. if 'error_message' in response:
  162. print('Key activation failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  163. def yn_dialog(msg):
  164. while True:
  165. result = input(msg + ' [y/n]: ')
  166. if result == 'y':
  167. return True
  168. if result == 'n':
  169. return False
  170. print('Type in \'y\' or \'n\'!')
  171. def buy(obj_name=None, amount=None, limit='', stop_loss='', expiry=None):
  172. if obj_name is None: # TODO list some available objects
  173. obj_name = input('Name of object to buy: ')
  174. if amount is None:
  175. amount = input('Amount: ')
  176. if limit == '':
  177. set_limit = yn_dialog('Do you want to place a limit?')
  178. if set_limit:
  179. limit = input('Limit: ')
  180. stop_loss = yn_dialog('Is this a stop-loss limit?')
  181. else:
  182. limit = None
  183. stop_loss = None
  184. if limit != '' and stop_loss == '':
  185. stop_loss = yn_dialog('Is this a stop-loss limit?')
  186. if limit is not None and \
  187. float(limit) <= 0 and \
  188. input(input('Are you sure you want to use such a low limit (limit=' + str(
  189. limit) + ')? (type in "yes" or something else):') != 'yes'):
  190. print('Order was not placed.')
  191. return
  192. if expiry is None:
  193. expiry = input('Time until order expires (minutes, default ' + str(DEFAULT_ORDER_EXPIRY) + '):')
  194. if expiry == '':
  195. expiry = DEFAULT_ORDER_EXPIRY
  196. try:
  197. expiry = float(expiry)
  198. except ValueError:
  199. print('Invalid expiration time.')
  200. return
  201. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=1.3)
  202. response = client_request('order', {"buy": True,
  203. "session_id": connection.session_id,
  204. "amount": amount,
  205. "ownable": obj_name,
  206. "limit": limit,
  207. "stop_loss": stop_loss,
  208. "time_until_expiration": expiry})
  209. if 'error_message' in response:
  210. print('Order placement failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  211. else:
  212. print('You might want to use the `trades` or `depot` commands',
  213. 'to see if the order has been executed already.')
  214. def sell(obj_name=None, amount=None, limit='', stop_loss='', expiry=None):
  215. if obj_name is None: # TODO list some available objects
  216. obj_name = input('Name of object to sell: ')
  217. if amount is None:
  218. amount = input('Amount: ')
  219. if limit == '':
  220. set_limit = yn_dialog('Do you want to place a limit?')
  221. if set_limit:
  222. limit = input('Limit: ')
  223. stop_loss = yn_dialog('Is this a stop-loss limit?')
  224. else:
  225. limit = None
  226. stop_loss = None
  227. if limit != '' and stop_loss == '':
  228. stop_loss = yn_dialog('Is this a stop-loss limit?')
  229. if limit is not None and \
  230. float(limit) <= 0 and \
  231. input('Are you sure you want to use such a low limit (limit=' + str(
  232. limit) + ')? (type in "yes" or something else):') != 'yes':
  233. print('Order was not placed.')
  234. return
  235. if expiry is None:
  236. expiry = input('Time until order expires (minutes, default ' + str(DEFAULT_ORDER_EXPIRY) + '):')
  237. if expiry == '':
  238. expiry = DEFAULT_ORDER_EXPIRY
  239. try:
  240. expiry = float(expiry)
  241. except ValueError:
  242. print('Invalid expiration time.')
  243. return
  244. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=1.3)
  245. response = client_request('order', {"buy": False,
  246. "session_id": connection.session_id,
  247. "amount": amount,
  248. "ownable": obj_name,
  249. "limit": limit,
  250. "stop_loss": stop_loss,
  251. "time_until_expiration": expiry})
  252. if 'error_message' in response:
  253. print('Order placement failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  254. else:
  255. print('You might want to use the `trades` or `depot` commands',
  256. 'to see if the order has been executed already.')
  257. def orders():
  258. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=0.9)
  259. response = client_request('orders', {"session_id": connection.session_id})
  260. success = 'data' in response
  261. if success:
  262. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  263. headers=['Buy?', 'Name', 'Size', 'Limit', 'stop-loss', 'Expires', 'No.'],
  264. tablefmt="pipe"))
  265. else:
  266. if 'error_message' in response:
  267. print('Order access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  268. else:
  269. print('Order access failed.')
  270. def orders_on(obj_name=None):
  271. if obj_name is None: # TODO list some available objects
  272. obj_name = input('Name of object to check: ')
  273. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=2.3)
  274. response = client_request('orders_on', {"session_id": connection.session_id, "ownable": obj_name})
  275. success = 'data' in response
  276. if success:
  277. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  278. headers=['My', 'Buy?', 'Name', 'Size', 'Limit', 'Expires', 'No.'],
  279. tablefmt="pipe"))
  280. else:
  281. if 'error_message' in response:
  282. print('Order access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  283. else:
  284. print('Order access failed.')
  285. def gift(username=None, obj_name=None, amount=None):
  286. if username is None:
  287. username = input('Username of recipient: ')
  288. if obj_name is None:
  289. obj_name = input('Name of object to give: ')
  290. if amount is None:
  291. amount = input('How many?: ')
  292. fake_loading_bar('Sending Gift', duration=4.2)
  293. response = client_request('gift',
  294. {"session_id": connection.session_id,
  295. "username": username,
  296. "object_name": obj_name,
  297. "amount": amount})
  298. if 'error_message' in response:
  299. print('Order access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  300. elif 'message' in response:
  301. print(response['message'])
  302. def news():
  303. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=0.76)
  304. response = client_request('news', {})
  305. success = 'data' in response
  306. if success:
  307. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  308. headers=['Date', 'Title'],
  309. tablefmt="pipe"))
  310. else:
  311. if 'error_message' in response:
  312. print('News access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  313. else:
  314. print('News access failed.')
  315. def tradables():
  316. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=12.4)
  317. response = client_request('tradables', {})
  318. success = 'data' in response
  319. if success:
  320. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  321. headers=['Name', 'Course', 'Market Cap.'],
  322. tablefmt="pipe"))
  323. world_wealth = 0
  324. for row in response['data']:
  325. if row[2] is not None:
  326. world_wealth += row[2]
  327. print('Estimated worldwide wealth:', world_wealth)
  328. else:
  329. if 'error_message' in response:
  330. print('Data access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  331. else:
  332. print('Data access failed.')
  333. def trades_on(obj_name=None, limit=5):
  334. limit = float(limit)
  335. if obj_name is None: # TODO list some available objects
  336. obj_name = input('Name of object to check: ')
  337. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=1.3)
  338. response = client_request('trades_on', {"session_id": connection.session_id,
  339. "ownable": obj_name,
  340. "limit": limit})
  341. success = 'data' in response
  342. if success:
  343. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  344. headers=['Time', 'Volume', 'Price'],
  345. tablefmt="pipe"))
  346. else:
  347. if 'error_message' in response:
  348. print('Trades access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  349. else:
  350. print('Trades access failed.')
  351. def trades(limit=10):
  352. limit = float(limit)
  353. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=2.7)
  354. response = client_request('trades', {"session_id": connection.session_id,
  355. "limit": limit})
  356. success = 'data' in response
  357. if success:
  358. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  359. headers=['Buy?', 'Name', 'Volume', 'Price', 'Time'],
  360. tablefmt="pipe"))
  361. else:
  362. if 'error_message' in response:
  363. print('Trades access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  364. else:
  365. print('Trades access failed.')
  366. def old_orders(include_canceled=None, include_executed=None, limit=10):
  367. limit = float(limit)
  368. if include_canceled is None:
  369. include_canceled = yn_dialog('Include canceled/expired orders in list?')
  370. if include_executed is None:
  371. include_executed = yn_dialog('Include fully executed orders in list?')
  372. if not include_canceled and not include_executed:
  373. data = []
  374. else:
  375. fake_loading_bar('Loading Data', duration=2.7)
  376. response = client_request('old_orders', {"session_id": connection.session_id,
  377. "include_canceled": include_canceled,
  378. "include_executed": include_executed,
  379. "limit": limit})
  380. success = 'data' in response
  381. if success:
  382. print(my_tabulate(response['data'],
  383. headers=['Buy?', 'Name', 'Size', 'Limit', 'Expiry', 'No.', 'Status'],
  384. tablefmt="pipe"))
  385. else:
  386. if 'error_message' in response:
  387. print('Order access failed with message:', response['error_message'])
  388. else:
  389. print('Order access failed.')
  390. # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
  391. def exit():
  392. global exiting
  393. exiting = True