import sqlite3 from typing import List from game import MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT, CURRENCY_NAME def create_triggers(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor): print(' - Creating triggers...') # ensure that the internal rowids of any table are not updated after creation create_triggers_that_restrict_rowid_update(cursor) cursor.execute(f''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON ownership WHEN NEW.amount < 0 AND (SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE ownables.rowid = NEW.ownable_id) != {CURRENCY_NAME} BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not own an amount less than 0 (except {CURRENCY_NAME}).'); END ''') cursor.execute(f''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON ownership WHEN NEW.amount < 0 AND (SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE ownables.rowid = NEW.ownable_id) != {CURRENCY_NAME} BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not own an amount less than 0 (except {CURRENCY_NAME}).'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS amount_positive_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.amount <= 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not perform empty transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS amount_positive_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.amount <= 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not perform empty transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW."limit" < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not set a limit less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW."limit" < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not set a limit less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <= 0 OR NEW.executed_amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order 0 or less.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <= 0 OR NEW.executed_amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order 0 or less.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < NEW.executed_amount BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not execute more than ordered.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < NEW.executed_amount BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not execute more than ordered.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NOT AND 0 > -- owned_amount COALESCE ( (SELECT amount FROM ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id), 0) - -- sell_ordered_amount (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0) FROM orders, ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id AND ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id AND NOT BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order more than you own.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NOT AND 0 > -- owned_amount COALESCE ( (SELECT amount FROM ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id), 0) - -- sell_ordered_amount (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0) FROM orders, ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id AND ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id AND NOT BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order more than you own.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.expiry_dt <= datetime('now') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order is already expired.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.expiry_dt <= datetime('now') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order is already expired.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set `stop_loss` `for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set `stop_loss` `for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Need to set stop_loss to either True or False for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Need to set stop_loss to either True or False for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS minimum_order_amount_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < ? BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'There is a minimum amount for new orders.'); END '''.replace('?', str(MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT))) cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS integer_amount_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <> ROUND(NEW.ordered_amount) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set integer amounts for new orders.'); END '''.replace('?', str(MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT))) cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM transactions t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_update AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM transactions t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON news WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM news t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON news WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM news t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS orders_rowid_sorted_by_creation_time_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.rowid < (SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM orders o2) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order-rowid programming bug (insert), not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.rowid <> OLD.rowid BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot change number of existing order.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_nullify_buyer_id_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.buyer_id IS NULL AND OLD.buyer_id IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot nullify buyer_id.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS buyer_id_not_null_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.buyer_id IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'buyer_id must not be null for new transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_nullify_seller_id_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.seller_id IS NULL AND OLD.seller_id IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot nullify seller_id.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS seller_id_not_null_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.seller_id IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'seller_id must not be null for new transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_history_no_update BEFORE UPDATE ON order_history BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not change order history.'); END ''') def create_combination_cluster_triggers(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, table_name: str, foreign_key_column_name: str, referenced_tables: List[str], kind_column_name: str = 'kind',): valid_kind = '\n OR '.join("(NEW.{0} = '{1}' AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {1} WHERE rowid = NEW.{2}))" .format(kind_column_name, table, foreign_key_column_name) for table in referenced_tables) cursor.execute('''-- noinspection SqlResolveForFile CREATE TRIGGER valid_{0}_{1}_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON {0} WHEN NOT ({2}) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, '{0}.{1} is invalid or violating a foreign key constraint.'); END '''.format(table_name, kind_column_name, valid_kind)) cursor.execute('''-- noinspection SqlResolveForFile CREATE TRIGGER valid_{0}_{1}_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON {0} WHEN NOT ({2}) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, '{0}.{1} is invalid or violating a foreign key constraint.'); END '''.format(table_name, kind_column_name, valid_kind)) for referenced_table in referenced_tables: cursor.execute('''-- noinspection SqlResolveForFile CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS {0}_{1}_{3}_foreign_key_before_delete BEFORE DELETE ON {3} WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {0}.{4} = OLD.rowid AND {0}.{1} = '{3}' ) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, '{0}.{1} is violating a foreign key constraint.'); END '''.format(table_name, kind_column_name, valid_kind, referenced_table, foreign_key_column_name)) def create_triggers_that_restrict_rowid_update(cursor): cursor.execute(''' SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ''') tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] for table_name in tables: cursor.execute('''-- noinspection SqlResolveForFile CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS restrict_rowid_update_on_{0} AFTER UPDATE ON {0} WHEN OLD.rowid <> NEW.rowid BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'The rowid can not be changed.'); END '''.format(table_name))