from sqlite3 import OperationalError from game import CURRENCY_NAME, MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT def setup(cursor): print('Database setup...') drop_triggers(cursor) tables(cursor) create_triggers(cursor) create_indices(cursor) seed(cursor) def drop_triggers(cursor): print(' - Dropping all triggers...') cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS amount_positive_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS amount_positive_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS minimum_order_amount_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS integer_amount_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS orders_rowid_sorted_by_creation_time_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_nullify_buyer_id_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS buyer_id_not_null_after_insert") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS not_nullify_seller_id_after_update") cursor.execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS seller_id_not_null_after_insert") def seed(cursor): print(' - Seeding initial data...') # ₭ollar cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ownables (name) VALUES (?) ''', (CURRENCY_NAME,)) # The bank/external investors cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO users (username,password) VALUES ('bank','') ''') # bank owns all the money that is not owned by players, 1000 * num_used_key - player_money cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ownership (user_id, ownable_id, amount) VALUES ((SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE username = 'bank'), (SELECT rowid FROM ownables WHERE name = ?), 1000 * (SELECT COUNT(used_by_user_id) FROM keys) - (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = (SELECT rowid FROM ownables WHERE name = ?))) ''', (CURRENCY_NAME, CURRENCY_NAME,)) # bank owns some stuff (₭ollar is be dealt with separately) cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ownership (user_id, ownable_id, amount) SELECT (SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE username = 'bank'), ownables.rowid, (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = ownables.rowid) FROM ownables WHERE name <> ? ''', (CURRENCY_NAME,)) def create_triggers(cursor): print(' - Creating triggers...') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON ownership WHEN NEW.amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not own an amount less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS owned_amount_not_negative_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON ownership WHEN NEW.amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not own an amount less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS amount_positive_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.amount <= 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not perform empty transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS amount_positive_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.amount <= 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not perform empty transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW."limit" < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not set a limit less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_limit_not_negative_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW."limit" < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not set a limit less than 0.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <= 0 OR NEW.executed_amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order 0 or less.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS order_amount_positive_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <= 0 OR NEW.executed_amount < 0 BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order 0 or less.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < NEW.executed_amount BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not execute more than ordered.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_executed_than_ordered_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < NEW.executed_amount BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not execute more than ordered.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NOT AND 0 > -- owned_amount COALESCE ( (SELECT amount FROM ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id), 0) - -- sell_ordered_amount (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0) FROM orders, ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id AND ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id AND NOT BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order more than you own.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_more_ordered_than_available_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NOT AND 0 > -- owned_amount COALESCE ( (SELECT amount FROM ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id), 0) - -- sell_ordered_amount (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0) FROM orders, ownership WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id AND ownership.rowid = NEW.ownership_id AND NOT BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can not order more than you own.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.expiry_dt <= datetime('now') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order is already expired.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS expiry_dt_in_future_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.expiry_dt <= datetime('now') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order is already expired.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set `stop_loss` `for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS stop_loss_requires_limit_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set `stop_loss` `for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Need to set stop_loss to either True or False for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS limit_requires_stop_loss_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW."limit" IS NOT NULL AND NEW.stop_loss IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Need to set stop_loss to either True or False for limit orders.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS minimum_order_amount_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount < ? BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'There is a minimum amount for new orders.'); END '''.replace('?', str(MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT))) cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS integer_amount_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.ordered_amount <> ROUND(NEW.ordered_amount) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Can only set integer amounts for new orders.'); END '''.replace('?', str(MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT))) cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM transactions t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS dt_monotonic_after_update AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM transactions t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON news WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM news t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON news WHEN NEW.dt < (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM news t2 WHERE t2.rowid < rowid) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Transaction rowid programming bug, not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS orders_rowid_sorted_by_creation_time_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON orders WHEN NEW.rowid < (SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM orders o2) BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Order-rowid programming bug (insert), not your fault.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS news_dt_monotonic_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON orders WHEN NEW.rowid <> OLD.rowid BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot change number of existing order.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_nullify_buyer_id_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.buyer_id IS NULL AND OLD.buyer_id IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot nullify buyer_id.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS buyer_id_not_null_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.buyer_id IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'buyer_id must not be null for new transactions.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS not_nullify_seller_id_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON transactions WHEN NEW.seller_id IS NULL AND OLD.seller_id IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Cannot nullify seller_id.'); END ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS seller_id_not_null_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON transactions WHEN NEW.seller_id IS NULL BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'seller_id must not be null for new transactions.'); END ''') def create_indices(cursor): print(' - Creating indices...') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ownership_ownable ON ownership (ownable_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transactions_ownable ON transactions (ownable_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS orders_expiry ON orders (expiry_dt) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS orders_ownership ON orders (ownership_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS orders_limit ON orders ("limit") ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transactions_dt ON transactions (dt) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS news_dt ON news (dt) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ownables_name ON ownables (name) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_name ON users (username) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sessions_id ON sessions (session_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sessions_user ON sessions (user_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transactions_seller ON transactions (seller_id) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS transactions_buyer ON transactions (buyer_id) ''') def tables(cursor): print(' - Creating tables...') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users( username VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ownables( name VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE NOT NULL) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ownership( user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ownable_id INTEGER NOT NULL, amount CURRENCY NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(rowid), FOREIGN KEY (ownable_id) REFERENCES ownables(rowid), UNIQUE (user_id, ownable_id) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sessions( user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, session_id STRING NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(rowid) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders( ownership_id INTEGER NOT NULL, buy BOOLEAN NOT NULL, "limit" CURRENCY, stop_loss BOOLEAN, ordered_amount CURRENCY NOT NULL, executed_amount CURRENCY DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, expiry_dt DATETIME NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (ownership_id) REFERENCES ownership(rowid) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions( dt DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, price CURRENCY NOT NULL, ownable_id INTEGER NOT NULL, amount CURRENCY NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (ownable_id) REFERENCES ownable(rowid) ) ''') _add_column_if_not_exists(cursor, ''' -- there is a not null constraint for new values that is watched by triggers ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN buyer_id INTEGER REFERENCES user(rowid) ''') _add_column_if_not_exists(cursor, ''' -- there is a not null constraint for new values that is watched by triggers ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN seller_id INTEGER REFERENCES user(rowid) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS keys( key STRING UNIQUE NOT NULL, used_by_user_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (used_by_user_id) REFERENCES user(rowid) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS news( dt DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ) ''') def _add_column_if_not_exists(cursor, query): if 'ALTER TABLE' not in query: raise ValueError('Only alter table queries allowed.') if 'ADD COLUMN' not in query: raise ValueError('Only add column queries allowed.') try: cursor.execute(query) except OperationalError as e: # if the column already exists this will happen if 'duplicate column name' not in e.args[0]: raise