@@ -1,1182 +1,1225 @@
-import random
-import re
-import sqlite3 as db
-import sys
-import uuid
-from math import floor
-from passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt import sha256_crypt
-import db_setup
-import trading_bot
-from debug import debug
-from game import CURRENCY_NAME
-from util import random_chars, salt
-# connection: db.Connection = None
-# cursor: db.Cursor = None
-connection = None # no type annotations in python 3.5
-cursor = None # no type annotations in python 3.5
-db_name = None
-def query_save_name():
- global db_name
- if debug:
- db_name = 'test.db'
- return
- while True:
- save_name = input('Name of the savegame: ')
- if re.match(r"[A-Za-z0-9.-]{0,50}", save_name):
- db_name = save_name + '.db'
- return
- else:
- print('Must match "[A-Za-z0-9.-]{0,50}"')
-def connect(reconnect=False):
- global connection
- global cursor
- global db_name
- if reconnect:
- connection.commit()
- connection.close()
- cursor = None
- connection = None
- db_name = None
- if connection is None or cursor is None:
- query_save_name()
- try:
- connection = db.connect(db_name)
- # connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, 'utf-8', 'ignore')
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- except db.Error as e:
- print("Database error %s:" % e.args[0])
- sys.exit(1)
- # finally:
- # if con is not None:
- # con.close()
-def setup():
- connect()
- db_setup.setup(cursor)
- connection.commit()
-def used_key_count():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT COUNT(*) -- rarely executed, no index needed, O(n) query
- FROM keys
- WHERE used_by_user_id IS NOT NULL
- ''')
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def login(username, password):
- connect()
- # do not allow login as bank or with empty password
- if username == 'bank' and not debug:
- return None
- if password == '' and not debug:
- return None
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid, password
- FROM users
- WHERE username = ?
- ''', (username,))
- data = cursor.fetchone()
- if not data:
- return None
- hashed_password = data[1]
- user_id = data[0]
- # if a ValueError occurs here, then most likely a password that was stored as plain text
- if sha256_crypt.verify(password + salt, hashed_password):
- return new_session(user_id)
- else:
- return None
-def register(username, password, game_key):
- connect()
- if username == '':
- return False
- if password == '':
- return False
- cursor.execute('''
- (username, password)
- VALUES (? , ?)
- ''', (username, password))
- if game_key != '':
- if valid_key(game_key):
- activate_key(game_key, get_user_id_by_name(username))
- return True
-def own(user_id, ownable_name, amount=0):
- if not isinstance(ownable_name, str):
- return AssertionError('A name must be a string.')
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ownership (user_id, ownable_id, amount)
- SELECT ?, (SELECT rowid FROM ownables WHERE name = ?), ?
- ''', (user_id, ownable_name, amount))
-def send_ownable(from_user_id, to_user_id, ownable_id, amount):
- connect()
- if amount < 0:
- raise AssertionError('Can not send negative amount')
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE ownership
- SET amount = amount - ?
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND ownable_id = ?
- ''', (amount, from_user_id, ownable_id,))
- own(to_user_id,ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id))
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE ownership
- SET amount = amount + ?
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND ownable_id = ?
- ''', (amount, to_user_id, ownable_id,))
- return True
-def valid_key(key):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT key
- FROM keys
- WHERE used_by_user_id IS NULL
- AND key = ?
- ''', (key,))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def new_session(user_id):
- connect()
- session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- cursor.execute('''
- (user_id, session_id)
- VALUES (? , ?)
- ''', (user_id, session_id))
- return session_id
-def save_key(key):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- (key)
- VALUES (?)
- ''', (key,))
-def drop_old_sessions():
- connect()
- cursor.execute(''' -- no need to optimize this very well
- DELETE FROM sessions
- (SELECT COUNT(*) as newer
- FROM sessions s2
- WHERE user_id = s2.user_id
- AND rowid < s2.rowid) >= 10
- ''')
-def user_exists(username):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM users
- WHERE username = ?
- ''', (username,))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def get_user_id_by_session_id(session_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT users.rowid
- FROM sessions, users
- WHERE sessions.session_id = ?
- AND users.rowid = sessions.user_id
- ''', (session_id,))
- ids = cursor.fetchone()
- if not ids:
- return False
- return ids[0]
-def get_user_id_by_name(username):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT users.rowid
- FROM users
- WHERE username = ?
- ''', (username,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def get_user_ownership(user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- ownables.name,
- ownership.amount,
- CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
- WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN 1
- ELSE (SELECT price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
- LIMIT 1)
- END, 0) AS price,
- (SELECT MAX("limit")
- FROM orders, ownership o2
- WHERE o2.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- AND o2.ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
- AND buy
- AND NOT stop_loss) AS bid,
- (SELECT MIN("limit")
- FROM orders, ownership o2
- WHERE o2.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- AND o2.ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
- AND NOT buy
- AND NOT stop_loss) AS ask
- FROM ownership, ownables
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND (ownership.amount > 0 OR ownership.ownable_id = ?)
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
- ORDER BY ownables.rowid ASC
- ''', (currency_id(), user_id, currency_id(),))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def activate_key(key, user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE keys
- SET used_by_user_id = ?
- WHERE used_by_user_id IS NULL
- AND key = ?
- ''', (user_id, key,))
- send_ownable(bank_id(), user_id, currency_id(), 1000)
-def bank_id():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT users.rowid
- FROM users
- WHERE username = 'bank'
- ''')
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def valid_session_id(session_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM sessions
- WHERE session_id = ?
- ''', (session_id,))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def get_user_orders(user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- WHEN orders.buy THEN 'Buy'
- ELSE 'Sell'
- END,
- ownables.name,
- (orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount) || '/' || orders.ordered_amount,
- orders."limit",
- WHEN orders."limit" IS NULL THEN NULL
- WHEN orders.stop_loss THEN 'Yes'
- ELSE 'No'
- END,
- datetime(orders.expiry_dt, 'localtime'),
- orders.rowid
- FROM orders, ownables, ownership
- WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
- AND orders.ownership_id = ownership.rowid
- ORDER BY ownables.name ASC, orders.stop_loss ASC, orders.buy DESC, orders."limit" ASC
- ''', (user_id,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def get_ownable_orders(user_id, ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- WHEN ownership.user_id = ? THEN 'X'
- END,
- WHEN orders.buy THEN 'Buy'
- ELSE 'Sell'
- END,
- ownables.name,
- orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount,
- orders."limit",
- datetime(orders.expiry_dt, 'localtime'),
- orders.rowid
- FROM orders, ownables, ownership
- WHERE ownership.ownable_id = ?
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
- AND orders.ownership_id = ownership.rowid
- AND (orders.stop_loss IS NULL OR NOT orders.stop_loss)
- ORDER BY ownables.name ASC, orders.stop_loss ASC, orders.buy DESC, orders."limit" ASC
- ''', (user_id, ownable_id,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0)
- FROM orders, ownership
- WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- AND ownership.user_id = ?
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
- AND NOT orders.buy
- ''', (user_id, ownable_id))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def available_amount(user_id, ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT amount
- FROM ownership
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND ownable_id = ?
- ''', (user_id, ownable_id))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0] - sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id)
-def user_has_at_least_available(amount, user_id, ownable_id):
- connect()
- if not isinstance(amount, float) and not isinstance(amount, int):
- # comparison of float with strings does not work so well in sql
- raise AssertionError()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM ownership
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND ownable_id = ?
- AND amount - ? >= ?
- ''', (user_id, ownable_id, sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id), amount))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def news():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT dt, title FROM
- (SELECT *, rowid
- FROM news
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
- LIMIT 20) n
- ORDER BY rowid ASC -- equivalent to order by dt
- ''')
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def ownable_name_exists(name):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM ownables
- WHERE name = ?
- ''', (name,))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def new_stock(expiry, name=None):
- connect()
- while name is None:
- name = random_chars(6)
- if ownable_name_exists(name):
- name = None
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO ownables(name)
- VALUES (?)
- ''', (name,))
- new_news('A new stock can now be bought: ' + name)
- if random.getrandbits(1):
- new_news('Experts expect the price of ' + name + ' to fall')
- else:
- new_news('Experts expect the price of ' + name + ' to rise')
- amount = random.randrange(100, 10000)
- price = random.randrange(10000, 20000) / amount
- ownable_id = ownable_id_by_name(name)
- own(bank_id(), name, amount)
- bank_order(False,
- ownable_id,
- price,
- amount,
- expiry)
- return name
-def ownable_id_by_name(ownable_name):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM ownables
- WHERE name = ?
- ''', (ownable_name,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def get_ownership_id(ownable_id, user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM ownership
- WHERE ownable_id = ?
- AND user_id = ?
- ''', (ownable_id, user_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def currency_id():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid
- FROM ownables
- WHERE name = ?
- ''', (CURRENCY_NAME,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def user_money(user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT amount
- FROM ownership
- WHERE user_id = ?
- AND ownable_id = ?
- ''', (user_id, currency_id()))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def delete_order(order_id, new_order_status):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO order_history
- (ownership_id, buy, "limit", ordered_amount, executed_amount, expiry_dt, status, order_id)
- ownership_id,
- buy,
- "limit",
- ordered_amount,
- executed_amount,
- expiry_dt,
- ?,
- rowid
- FROM orders
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (new_order_status, order_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM orders
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (order_id,))
-def current_value(ownable_id):
- connect()
- if ownable_id == currency_id():
- return 1
- cursor.execute('''SELECT price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ?
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def execute_orders(ownable_id):
- connect()
- orders_traded = False
- while True:
- # find order to execute
- cursor.execute('''
- -- two best orders
- SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
- FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
- WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
- AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
- AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
- AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
- AND seller.ownable_id = ?
- AND buy_order."limit" IS NULL
- AND sell_order."limit" IS NULL
- ORDER BY buy_order.rowid ASC,
- sell_order.rowid ASC
- LIMIT 1)
- UNION ALL -- best buy orders
- SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
- FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
- WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
- AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
- AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
- AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
- AND seller.ownable_id = ?
- AND buy_order."limit" IS NULL
- AND sell_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
- AND NOT sell_order.stop_loss
- ORDER BY sell_order."limit" ASC,
- buy_order.rowid ASC,
- sell_order.rowid ASC
- LIMIT 1)
- UNION ALL -- best sell orders
- SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
- FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
- WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
- AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
- AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
- AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
- AND seller.ownable_id = ?
- AND buy_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
- AND NOT buy_order.stop_loss
- AND sell_order."limit" IS NULL
- ORDER BY buy_order."limit" DESC,
- buy_order.rowid ASC,
- sell_order.rowid ASC
- LIMIT 1)
- UNION ALL -- both limit orders
- SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
- FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
- WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
- AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
- AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
- AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
- AND seller.ownable_id = ?
- AND buy_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
- AND sell_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
- AND sell_order."limit" <= buy_order."limit"
- AND NOT sell_order.stop_loss
- AND NOT buy_order.stop_loss
- ORDER BY buy_order."limit" DESC,
- sell_order."limit" ASC,
- buy_order.rowid ASC,
- sell_order.rowid ASC
- LIMIT 1)
- ''', tuple(ownable_id for _ in range(8)))
- matching_orders = cursor.fetchone()
- # return type: (ownership_id,buy,limit,stop_loss,ordered_amount,executed_amount,expiry_dt,
- # ownership_id,buy,limit,stop_loss,ordered_amount,executed_amount,expiry_dt,
- # user_id,user_id,rowid,rowid)
- if not matching_orders:
- if not orders_traded:
- break
- # check if the trading bot has any new offers to make
- new_order_was_placed = trading_bot.notify_order_traded(ownable_id)
- if new_order_was_placed:
- orders_traded = False
- continue
- else:
- break
- buy_ownership_id, _, buy_limit, _, buy_order_amount, buy_executed_amount, buy_expiry_dt, \
- sell_ownership_id, _, sell_limit, _, sell_order_amount, sell_executed_amount, sell_expiry_dt, \
- buyer_id, seller_id, buy_order_id, sell_order_id \
- = matching_orders
- if buy_limit is None and sell_limit is None:
- price = current_value(ownable_id)
- elif buy_limit is None:
- price = sell_limit
- elif sell_limit is None:
- price = buy_limit
- else: # both not NULL
- # the price of the older order is used, just like in the real exchange
- if buy_order_id < sell_order_id:
- price = buy_limit
- else:
- price = sell_limit
- buyer_money = user_money(buyer_id)
- def _my_division(x, y):
- try:
- return floor(x / y)
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- return float('Inf')
- amount = min(buy_order_amount - buy_executed_amount,
- sell_order_amount - sell_executed_amount,
- _my_division(buyer_money, price))
- if amount == 0: # probable because buyer has not enough money
- delete_order(buy_order_id, 'Unable to pay')
- continue
- buy_order_finished = (buy_order_amount - buy_executed_amount - amount <= 0) or (
- buyer_money - amount * price < price)
- sell_order_finished = (sell_order_amount - sell_executed_amount - amount <= 0)
- if price < 0 or amount <= 0: # price of 0 is possible though unlikely
- return AssertionError()
- # actually execute the order, but the bank does not send or receive anything
- send_ownable(buyer_id, seller_id, currency_id(), price * amount)
- send_ownable(seller_id, buyer_id, ownable_id, amount)
- # update order execution state
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE orders
- SET executed_amount = executed_amount + ?
- WHERE rowid = ?
- OR rowid = ?
- ''', (amount, buy_order_id, sell_order_id))
- if buy_order_finished:
- delete_order(buy_order_id, 'Executed')
- orders_traded = True
- if sell_order_finished:
- delete_order(sell_order_id, 'Executed')
- orders_traded = True
- if seller_id != buyer_id: # prevent showing self-transactions
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO transactions
- (price, ownable_id, amount, buyer_id, seller_id)
- VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- ''', (price, ownable_id, amount, buyer_id, seller_id))
- # trigger stop-loss orders
- if buyer_id != seller_id:
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE orders
- SET stop_loss = NULL,
- "limit" = NULL
- WHERE stop_loss IS NOT NULL
- AND stop_loss
- AND ? IN (SELECT ownable_id FROM ownership WHERE rowid = ownership_id)
- AND ((buy AND "limit" < ?) OR (NOT buy AND "limit" > ?))
- ''', (ownable_id, price, price,))
-def ownable_id_by_ownership_id(ownership_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT ownable_id
- FROM ownership
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (ownership_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT name
- FROM ownables
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def bank_order(buy, ownable_id, limit, amount, expiry):
- if not limit:
- raise AssertionError('The bank does not give away anything.')
- place_order(buy,
- get_ownership_id(ownable_id, bank_id()),
- limit,
- False,
- amount,
- expiry)
- ownable_name = ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id)
- new_news('External investors are selling ' + ownable_name + ' atm')
-def current_db_time(): # might differ from datetime.datetime.now() for time zone reasons
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT datetime('now')
- ''')
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def place_order(buy, ownership_id, limit, stop_loss, amount, expiry):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO orders
- (buy, ownership_id, "limit", stop_loss, ordered_amount, expiry_dt)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- ''', (buy, ownership_id, limit, stop_loss, amount, expiry))
- execute_orders(ownable_id_by_ownership_id(ownership_id))
- return True
-def trades_on(ownable_id, limit):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT datetime(dt,'localtime'), amount, price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ?
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
- ''', (ownable_id, limit,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def trades(user_id, limit):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- (CASE WHEN seller_id = ? THEN 'Sell' ELSE 'Buy' END),
- (SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE rowid = transactions.ownable_id),
- amount,
- price,
- datetime(dt,'localtime')
- FROM transactions
- WHERE seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
- ''', (user_id, user_id, user_id, limit,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def drop_expired_orders():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid, ownership_id, * FROM orders
- WHERE expiry_dt < DATETIME('now')
- ''')
- data = cursor.fetchall()
- for order in data:
- order_id = order[0]
- delete_order(order_id, 'Expired')
- return data
-def generate_keys(count=1):
- # source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049308/python-3-3-serial-key-generator-list-problems
- for i in range(count):
- key = '-'.join(random_chars(5) for _ in range(5))
- save_key(key)
- print(key)
-def user_has_order_with_id(session_id, order_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT orders.rowid
- FROM orders, ownership, sessions
- WHERE orders.rowid = ?
- AND sessions.session_id = ?
- AND sessions.user_id = ownership.user_id
- AND ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- ''', (order_id, session_id,))
- if cursor.fetchone():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def leaderboard():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- FROM ( -- one score for each user
- username,
- SUM(CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
- WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN ownership.amount
- ELSE ownership.amount * (SELECT price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
- LIMIT 1)
- ) score
- FROM users, ownership
- WHERE ownership.user_id = users.rowid
- AND users.username != 'bank'
- GROUP BY users.rowid
- ) AS scores
- LIMIT 50
- ''', (currency_id(),))
- return cursor.fetchall()
-def user_wealth(user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
- WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN ownership.amount
- ELSE ownership.amount * (SELECT price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
- LIMIT 1)
- ) score
- FROM ownership
- WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
- ''', (currency_id(), user_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def change_password(session_id, password):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE users
- SET password = ?
- WHERE rowid = (SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE sessions.session_id = ?)
- ''', (password, session_id,))
-def sign_out_user(session_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM sessions
- WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM sessions s2 WHERE s2.session_id = ?)
- ''', (session_id,))
-def delete_user(user_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM sessions
- WHERE user_id = ?
- ''', (user_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM orders
- WHERE ownership_id IN (
- SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE user_id = ?)
- ''', (user_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM ownership
- WHERE user_id = ?
- ''', (user_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- WHERE used_by_user_id = ?
- ''', (user_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO news(title)
- VALUES ((SELECT username FROM users WHERE rowid = ?) || ' retired.')
- ''', (user_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (user_id,))
-def delete_ownable(ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ?
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM orders
- WHERE ownership_id IN (
- SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = ?)
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM orders_history
- WHERE ownership_id IN (
- SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = ?)
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- # only delete empty ownerships
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM ownership
- WHERE ownable_id = ?
- AND amount = 0
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO news(title)
- VALUES ((SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE rowid = ?) || ' can not be traded any more.')
- ''', (ownable_id,))
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM ownables
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (ownable_id,))
-def hash_all_users_passwords():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid, password
- FROM users
- ''')
- users = cursor.fetchall()
- for user in users:
- user_id = user[0]
- pw = user[1]
- valid_hash = True
- try:
- sha256_crypt.verify('password' + salt, pw)
- except ValueError:
- valid_hash = False
- if valid_hash:
- raise AssertionError('There is already a hashed password in the database! Be careful what you are doing!')
- pw = sha256_crypt.encrypt(pw + salt)
- cursor.execute('''
- UPDATE users
- SET password = ?
- WHERE rowid = ?
- ''', (pw, user_id,))
-def new_news(message):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- INSERT INTO news(title)
- VALUES (?)
- ''', (message,))
-def abs_spread(ownable_id):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- (SELECT MAX("limit")
- FROM orders, ownership
- WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
- AND buy
- AND NOT stop_loss) AS bid,
- (SELECT MIN("limit")
- FROM orders, ownership
- WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
- AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
- AND NOT buy
- AND NOT stop_loss) AS ask
- ''', (ownable_id, ownable_id,))
- return cursor.fetchone()
-def ownables():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT name, course,
- (SELECT SUM(amount)
- FROM ownership
- WHERE ownership.ownable_id = ownables_with_course.rowid) market_size
- name, ownables.rowid,
- CASE WHEN ownables.rowid = ?
- THEN 1
- ELSE (SELECT price
- FROM transactions
- WHERE ownable_id = ownables.rowid
- ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
- LIMIT 1) END course
- FROM ownables) ownables_with_course
- ''', (currency_id(),))
- data = cursor.fetchall()
- for idx in range(len(data)):
- # compute market cap
- row = data[idx]
- if row[1] is None:
- market_cap = None
- elif row[2] is None:
- market_cap = None
- else:
- market_cap = row[1] * row[2]
- data[idx] = (row[0], row[1], market_cap)
- return data
-def reset_bank():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- DELETE FROM ownership
- WHERE user_id = ?
- ''', (bank_id(),))
-def cleanup():
- if connection is not None:
- connection.commit()
- connection.close()
-def ownable_ids():
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- SELECT rowid FROM ownables
- ''')
- return [ownable_id[0] for ownable_id in cursor.fetchall()]
-def get_old_orders(user_id, include_executed, include_canceled, limit):
- connect()
- cursor.execute('''
- (CASE WHEN order_history.buy THEN 'Buy' ELSE 'Sell' END),
- ownables.name,
- (order_history.ordered_amount - order_history.executed_amount) || '/' || order_history.ordered_amount,
- order_history."limit",
- order_history.expiry_dt,
- order_history.order_id,
- order_history.status
- FROM order_history, ownership, ownables
- WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
- AND ownership.rowid = order_history.ownership_id
- AND ownables.rowid = ownership.ownable_id
- AND (
- (order_history.status = 'Executed' AND ?)
- OR
- ((order_history.status = 'Expired' OR order_history.status = 'Canceled') AND ?)
- )
- ORDER BY order_history.rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by creation time
- ''', (user_id, include_executed, include_canceled, limit))
- return cursor.fetchall()
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import sqlite3 as db
+import uuid
+from logging import INFO
+from math import floor
+from shutil import copyfile
+from typing import Optional, Dict
+from passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt import sha256_crypt
+import db_setup
+import trading_bot
+from game import CURRENCY_NAME, logger, DB_NAME
+from util import random_chars
+DBName = str
+connections: Dict[DBName, db.Connection] = {}
+current_connection: Optional[db.Connection] = None
+current_cursor: Optional[db.Cursor] = None
+current_db_name: Optional[DBName] = None
+current_user_id: Optional[int] = None
+def execute(sql, parameters=()):
+ if not re.search(r"(?i)\s*SELECT", sql):
+ logger.info(sql, 'sql_query', data=json.dumps(parameters))
+ return current_cursor.execute(sql, parameters)
+def valid_db_name(name):
+ return re.match(r"[a-z0-9.-]{0,20}", name)
+def query_save_name():
+ while True:
+ # save_name = input('Name of the database (You can also enter a new filename here): ')
+ save_name = DB_NAME
+ if valid_db_name(save_name):
+ return save_name
+ else:
+ print('Must match "[a-z0-9.-]{0,20}"')
+def connect(db_name=None, create_if_not_exists=False):
+ """
+ connects to the database with the given name, if it exists
+ if the database does not exist an exception is raised
+ (unless create_if_not_exists is true, then the database is created)
+ if there is already a connection to this database, that connection is used
+ :return: the connection and the connections' cursor
+ """
+ if db_name is None:
+ db_name = query_save_name()
+ if not db_name.endswith('.db'):
+ db_name += '.db'
+ db_name = db_name.lower()
+ if not os.path.isfile(db_name) and not create_if_not_exists:
+ raise FileNotFoundError('There is no database with this name.')
+ creating_new_db = not os.path.isfile(db_name)
+ if db_name not in connections:
+ try:
+ db_connection = db.connect(db_name, check_same_thread=False)
+ db_setup.create_functions(db_connection)
+ db_setup.set_pragmas(db_connection.cursor())
+ # connection.text_factory = lambda x: x.encode('latin-1')
+ except db.Error as e:
+ print("Database error %s:" % e.args[0])
+ raise
+ connections[db_name] = db_connection
+ global current_connection
+ global current_db_name
+ global current_cursor
+ current_connection = connections[db_name]
+ current_cursor = connections[db_name].cursor()
+ current_db_name = db_name
+ if creating_new_db:
+ try:
+ if os.path.isfile('/test-db/' + db_name):
+ print('Using test database containing fake data')
+ copyfile('/test-db/' + db_name, db_name)
+ else:
+ logger.log('Creating database', INFO, 'database_creation')
+ logger.commit()
+ setup()
+ except Exception:
+ if current_connection is not None:
+ current_connection.rollback()
+ if db_name in connections:
+ disconnect(db_name, rollback=True)
+ os.remove(db_name)
+ current_connection = None
+ current_cursor = None
+ current_db_name = None
+ raise
+def disconnect(connection_name, rollback=True):
+ global connections
+ if connection_name not in connections:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid connection')
+ if rollback:
+ connections[connection_name].rollback()
+ else:
+ connections[connection_name].commit()
+ connections[connection_name].close()
+ del connections[connection_name]
+def setup():
+ db_setup.setup(current_cursor)
+def used_key_count():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT COUNT(*) -- rarely executed, no index needed, O(n) query
+ FROM keys
+ WHERE used_by_user_id IS NOT NULL
+ ''')
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def login(username, password):
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid, password, salt
+ FROM users
+ WHERE username = ?
+ ''', (username,))
+ data = current_cursor.fetchone()
+ if not data:
+ return None
+ user_id, hashed_password, salt = data
+ # if a ValueError occurs here, then most likely a password that was stored as plain text
+ if sha256_crypt.verify(password + salt, hashed_password):
+ return new_session(user_id)
+ else:
+ return None
+def register(username, password, game_key):
+ salt = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ hashed_password = sha256_crypt.using(rounds=100000).encrypt(str(password) + salt)
+ connect()
+ if username == '':
+ return False
+ if password == '':
+ return False
+ execute('''
+ (username, password, salt)
+ VALUES (? , ?, ?)
+ ''', (username, hashed_password, salt))
+ if game_key != '':
+ if valid_key(game_key):
+ activate_key(game_key, get_user_id_by_name(username))
+ return True
+def own(user_id, ownable_name, amount=0):
+ if not isinstance(ownable_name, str):
+ return AssertionError('A name must be a string.')
+ execute('''
+ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ownership (user_id, ownable_id, amount)
+ SELECT ?, (SELECT rowid FROM ownables WHERE name = ?), ?
+ ''', (user_id, ownable_name, amount))
+def send_ownable(from_user_id, to_user_id, ownable_id, amount):
+ connect()
+ if amount < 0:
+ raise AssertionError('Can not send negative amount')
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE ownership
+ SET amount = amount - ?
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND ownable_id = ?
+ ''', (amount, from_user_id, ownable_id,))
+ own(to_user_id, ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id))
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE ownership
+ SET amount = amount + ?
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND ownable_id = ?
+ ''', (amount, to_user_id, ownable_id,))
+ return True
+def valid_key(key):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT key
+ FROM keys
+ WHERE used_by_user_id IS NULL
+ AND key = ?
+ ''', (key,))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def new_session(user_id):
+ connect()
+ session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ execute('''
+ (user_id, session_id)
+ VALUES (? , ?)
+ ''', (user_id, session_id))
+ return session_id
+def save_key(key):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ (key)
+ VALUES (?)
+ ''', (key,))
+def drop_old_sessions():
+ connect()
+ execute(''' -- no need to optimize this very well
+ DELETE FROM sessions
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) as newer
+ FROM sessions s2
+ WHERE user_id = s2.user_id
+ AND rowid < s2.rowid) >= 10
+ ''')
+def user_exists(username):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM users
+ WHERE username = ?
+ ''', (username,))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def get_user_id_by_session_id(session_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT users.rowid
+ FROM sessions, users
+ WHERE sessions.session_id = ?
+ AND users.rowid = sessions.user_id
+ ''', (session_id,))
+ ids = current_cursor.fetchone()
+ if not ids:
+ return False
+ return ids[0]
+def get_user_id_by_name(username):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT users.rowid
+ FROM users
+ WHERE username = ?
+ ''', (username,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def get_user_ownership(user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ ownables.name,
+ ownership.amount,
+ CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
+ WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN 1
+ ELSE (SELECT price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
+ LIMIT 1)
+ END, 0) AS price,
+ (SELECT MAX("limit")
+ FROM orders, ownership o2
+ WHERE o2.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ AND o2.ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
+ AND buy
+ AND NOT stop_loss) AS bid,
+ (SELECT MIN("limit")
+ FROM orders, ownership o2
+ WHERE o2.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ AND o2.ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
+ AND NOT buy
+ AND NOT stop_loss) AS ask
+ FROM ownership, ownables
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND (ownership.amount > 0 OR ownership.ownable_id = ?)
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
+ ORDER BY ownables.rowid ASC
+ ''', (currency_id(), user_id, currency_id(),))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def activate_key(key, user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE keys
+ SET used_by_user_id = ?
+ WHERE used_by_user_id IS NULL
+ AND key = ?
+ ''', (user_id, key,))
+ send_ownable(bank_id(), user_id, currency_id(), 1000)
+def bank_id():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT users.rowid
+ FROM users
+ WHERE username = 'bank'
+ ''')
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def valid_session_id(session_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM sessions
+ WHERE session_id = ?
+ ''', (session_id,))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def get_user_orders(user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ WHEN orders.buy THEN 'Buy'
+ ELSE 'Sell'
+ END,
+ ownables.name,
+ (orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount) || '/' || orders.ordered_amount,
+ orders."limit",
+ WHEN orders."limit" IS NULL THEN NULL
+ WHEN orders.stop_loss THEN 'Yes'
+ ELSE 'No'
+ END,
+ datetime(orders.expiry_dt, 'localtime'),
+ orders.rowid
+ FROM orders, ownables, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
+ AND orders.ownership_id = ownership.rowid
+ ORDER BY ownables.name ASC, orders.stop_loss ASC, orders.buy DESC, orders."limit" ASC
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def get_ownable_orders(user_id, ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ WHEN ownership.user_id = ? THEN 'X'
+ END,
+ WHEN orders.buy THEN 'Buy'
+ ELSE 'Sell'
+ END,
+ ownables.name,
+ orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount,
+ orders."limit",
+ datetime(orders.expiry_dt, 'localtime'),
+ orders.rowid
+ FROM orders, ownables, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.ownable_id = ?
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ownables.rowid
+ AND orders.ownership_id = ownership.rowid
+ AND (orders.stop_loss IS NULL OR NOT orders.stop_loss)
+ ORDER BY ownables.name ASC, orders.stop_loss ASC, orders.buy DESC, orders."limit" ASC
+ ''', (user_id, ownable_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT COALESCE(SUM(orders.ordered_amount - orders.executed_amount),0)
+ FROM orders, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ AND ownership.user_id = ?
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
+ AND NOT orders.buy
+ ''', (user_id, ownable_id))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def available_amount(user_id, ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT amount
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND ownable_id = ?
+ ''', (user_id, ownable_id))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0] - sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id)
+def user_has_at_least_available(amount, user_id, ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ if not isinstance(amount, float) and not isinstance(amount, int):
+ # comparison of float with strings does not work so well in sql
+ raise AssertionError()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND ownable_id = ?
+ AND amount - ? >= ?
+ ''', (user_id, ownable_id, sell_ordered_amount(user_id, ownable_id), amount))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def news():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT dt, title FROM
+ (SELECT *, rowid
+ FROM news
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
+ LIMIT 20) n
+ ORDER BY rowid ASC -- equivalent to order by dt
+ ''')
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def ownable_name_exists(name):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM ownables
+ WHERE name = ?
+ ''', (name,))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def new_stock(expiry, name=None):
+ connect()
+ while name is None:
+ name = random_chars(6)
+ if ownable_name_exists(name):
+ name = None
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO ownables(name)
+ VALUES (?)
+ ''', (name,))
+ new_news('A new stock can now be bought: ' + name)
+ if random.getrandbits(1):
+ new_news('Experts expect the price of ' + name + ' to fall')
+ else:
+ new_news('Experts expect the price of ' + name + ' to rise')
+ amount = random.randrange(100, 10000)
+ price = random.randrange(10000, 20000) / amount
+ ownable_id = ownable_id_by_name(name)
+ own(bank_id(), name, amount)
+ bank_order(False,
+ ownable_id,
+ price,
+ amount,
+ expiry)
+ return name
+def ownable_id_by_name(ownable_name):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM ownables
+ WHERE name = ?
+ ''', (ownable_name,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def get_ownership_id(ownable_id, user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE ownable_id = ?
+ AND user_id = ?
+ ''', (ownable_id, user_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def currency_id():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid
+ FROM ownables
+ WHERE name = ?
+ ''', (CURRENCY_NAME,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def user_money(user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT amount
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ AND ownable_id = ?
+ ''', (user_id, currency_id()))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def delete_order(order_id, new_order_status):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO order_history
+ (ownership_id, buy, "limit", ordered_amount, executed_amount, expiry_dt, status, order_id)
+ ownership_id,
+ buy,
+ "limit",
+ ordered_amount,
+ executed_amount,
+ expiry_dt,
+ ?,
+ rowid
+ FROM orders
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (new_order_status, order_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM orders
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (order_id,))
+def current_value(ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ if ownable_id == currency_id():
+ return 1
+ execute('''SELECT price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ?
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def execute_orders(ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ orders_traded = False
+ while True:
+ # find order to execute
+ execute('''
+ -- two best orders
+ SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
+ FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
+ WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
+ AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
+ AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
+ AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
+ AND seller.ownable_id = ?
+ AND buy_order."limit" IS NULL
+ AND sell_order."limit" IS NULL
+ ORDER BY buy_order.rowid ASC,
+ sell_order.rowid ASC
+ LIMIT 1)
+ UNION ALL -- best buy orders
+ SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
+ FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
+ WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
+ AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
+ AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
+ AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
+ AND seller.ownable_id = ?
+ AND buy_order."limit" IS NULL
+ AND sell_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
+ AND NOT sell_order.stop_loss
+ ORDER BY sell_order."limit" ASC,
+ buy_order.rowid ASC,
+ sell_order.rowid ASC
+ LIMIT 1)
+ UNION ALL -- best sell orders
+ SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
+ FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
+ WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
+ AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
+ AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
+ AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
+ AND seller.ownable_id = ?
+ AND buy_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
+ AND NOT buy_order.stop_loss
+ AND sell_order."limit" IS NULL
+ ORDER BY buy_order."limit" DESC,
+ buy_order.rowid ASC,
+ sell_order.rowid ASC
+ LIMIT 1)
+ UNION ALL -- both limit orders
+ SELECT buy_order.*, sell_order.*, buyer.user_id, seller.user_id, buy_order.rowid, sell_order.rowid
+ FROM orders buy_order, orders sell_order, ownership buyer, ownership seller
+ WHERE buy_order.buy AND NOT sell_order.buy
+ AND buyer.rowid = buy_order.ownership_id
+ AND seller.rowid = sell_order.ownership_id
+ AND buyer.ownable_id = ?
+ AND seller.ownable_id = ?
+ AND buy_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
+ AND sell_order."limit" IS NOT NULL
+ AND sell_order."limit" <= buy_order."limit"
+ AND NOT sell_order.stop_loss
+ AND NOT buy_order.stop_loss
+ ORDER BY buy_order."limit" DESC,
+ sell_order."limit" ASC,
+ buy_order.rowid ASC,
+ sell_order.rowid ASC
+ LIMIT 1)
+ ''', tuple(ownable_id for _ in range(8)))
+ matching_orders = current_cursor.fetchone()
+ # return type: (ownership_id,buy,limit,stop_loss,ordered_amount,executed_amount,expiry_dt,
+ # ownership_id,buy,limit,stop_loss,ordered_amount,executed_amount,expiry_dt,
+ # user_id,user_id,rowid,rowid)
+ if not matching_orders:
+ if not orders_traded:
+ break
+ # check if the trading bot has any new offers to make
+ new_order_was_placed = trading_bot.notify_order_traded(ownable_id)
+ if new_order_was_placed:
+ orders_traded = False
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ buy_ownership_id, _, buy_limit, _, buy_order_amount, buy_executed_amount, buy_expiry_dt, \
+ sell_ownership_id, _, sell_limit, _, sell_order_amount, sell_executed_amount, sell_expiry_dt, \
+ buyer_id, seller_id, buy_order_id, sell_order_id \
+ = matching_orders
+ if buy_limit is None and sell_limit is None:
+ price = current_value(ownable_id)
+ elif buy_limit is None:
+ price = sell_limit
+ elif sell_limit is None:
+ price = buy_limit
+ else: # both not NULL
+ # the price of the older order is used, just like in the real exchange
+ if buy_order_id < sell_order_id:
+ price = buy_limit
+ else:
+ price = sell_limit
+ buyer_money = user_money(buyer_id)
+ def _my_division(x, y):
+ try:
+ return floor(x / y)
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return float('Inf')
+ amount = min(buy_order_amount - buy_executed_amount,
+ sell_order_amount - sell_executed_amount,
+ _my_division(buyer_money, price))
+ if amount == 0: # probable because buyer has not enough money
+ delete_order(buy_order_id, 'Unable to pay')
+ continue
+ buy_order_finished = (buy_order_amount - buy_executed_amount - amount <= 0) or (
+ buyer_money - amount * price < price)
+ sell_order_finished = (sell_order_amount - sell_executed_amount - amount <= 0)
+ if price < 0 or amount <= 0: # price of 0 is possible though unlikely
+ return AssertionError()
+ # actually execute the order, but the bank does not send or receive anything
+ send_ownable(buyer_id, seller_id, currency_id(), price * amount)
+ send_ownable(seller_id, buyer_id, ownable_id, amount)
+ # update order execution state
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE orders
+ SET executed_amount = executed_amount + ?
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ OR rowid = ?
+ ''', (amount, buy_order_id, sell_order_id))
+ if buy_order_finished:
+ delete_order(buy_order_id, 'Executed')
+ orders_traded = True
+ if sell_order_finished:
+ delete_order(sell_order_id, 'Executed')
+ orders_traded = True
+ if seller_id != buyer_id: # prevent showing self-transactions
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO transactions
+ (price, ownable_id, amount, buyer_id, seller_id)
+ VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+ ''', (price, ownable_id, amount, buyer_id, seller_id))
+ # trigger stop-loss orders
+ if buyer_id != seller_id:
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE orders
+ SET stop_loss = NULL,
+ "limit" = NULL
+ WHERE stop_loss IS NOT NULL
+ AND stop_loss
+ AND ? IN (SELECT ownable_id FROM ownership WHERE rowid = ownership_id)
+ AND ((buy AND "limit" < ?) OR (NOT buy AND "limit" > ?))
+ ''', (ownable_id, price, price,))
+def ownable_id_by_ownership_id(ownership_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT ownable_id
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (ownership_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT name
+ FROM ownables
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def bank_order(buy, ownable_id, limit, amount, expiry):
+ if not limit:
+ raise AssertionError('The bank does not give away anything.')
+ place_order(buy,
+ get_ownership_id(ownable_id, bank_id()),
+ limit,
+ False,
+ amount,
+ expiry)
+ ownable_name = ownable_name_by_id(ownable_id)
+ new_news('External investors are selling ' + ownable_name + ' atm')
+def current_db_time(): # might differ from datetime.datetime.now() for time zone reasons
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT datetime('now')
+ ''')
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def place_order(buy, ownership_id, limit, stop_loss, amount, expiry):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO orders
+ (buy, ownership_id, "limit", stop_loss, ordered_amount, expiry_dt)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+ ''', (buy, ownership_id, limit, stop_loss, amount, expiry))
+ execute_orders(ownable_id_by_ownership_id(ownership_id))
+ return True
+def trades_on(ownable_id, limit):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT datetime(dt,'localtime'), amount, price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ?
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
+ ''', (ownable_id, limit,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def trades(user_id, limit):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ (CASE WHEN seller_id = ? THEN 'Sell' ELSE 'Buy' END),
+ (SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE rowid = transactions.ownable_id),
+ amount,
+ price,
+ datetime(dt,'localtime')
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE seller_id = ? OR buyer_id = ?
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to order by dt
+ ''', (user_id, user_id, user_id, limit,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def drop_expired_orders():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid, ownership_id, * FROM orders
+ WHERE expiry_dt < DATETIME('now')
+ ''')
+ data = current_cursor.fetchall()
+ for order in data:
+ order_id = order[0]
+ delete_order(order_id, 'Expired')
+ return data
+def generate_keys(count=1):
+ # source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049308/python-3-3-serial-key-generator-list-problems
+ for i in range(count):
+ key = '-'.join(random_chars(5) for _ in range(5))
+ save_key(key)
+ print(key)
+def user_has_order_with_id(session_id, order_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT orders.rowid
+ FROM orders, ownership, sessions
+ WHERE orders.rowid = ?
+ AND sessions.session_id = ?
+ AND sessions.user_id = ownership.user_id
+ AND ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ ''', (order_id, session_id,))
+ if current_cursor.fetchone():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def leaderboard():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ FROM ( -- one score for each user
+ username,
+ SUM(CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
+ WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN ownership.amount
+ ELSE ownership.amount * (SELECT price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
+ LIMIT 1)
+ ) score
+ FROM users, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.user_id = users.rowid
+ AND users.username != 'bank'
+ GROUP BY users.rowid
+ ) AS scores
+ LIMIT 50
+ ''', (currency_id(),))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()
+def user_wealth(user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ CASE -- sum score for each of the users ownables
+ WHEN ownership.ownable_id = ? THEN ownership.amount
+ ELSE ownership.amount * (SELECT price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ownership.ownable_id
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
+ LIMIT 1)
+ ), 0) score
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
+ ''', (currency_id(), user_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()[0]
+def change_password(session_id, password, salt):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE users
+ SET password = ?, salt= ?
+ WHERE rowid = (SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE sessions.session_id = ?)
+ ''', (password, salt, session_id,))
+def sign_out_user(session_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM sessions
+ WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM sessions s2 WHERE s2.session_id = ?)
+ ''', (session_id,))
+def delete_user(user_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM sessions
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM orders
+ WHERE ownership_id IN (
+ SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE user_id = ?)
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM ownership
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ execute('''
+ WHERE used_by_user_id = ?
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO news(title)
+ VALUES ((SELECT username FROM users WHERE rowid = ?) || ' retired.')
+ ''', (user_id,))
+ execute('''
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (user_id,))
+def delete_ownable(ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ?
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM orders
+ WHERE ownership_id IN (
+ SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = ?)
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM order_history
+ WHERE ownership_id IN (
+ SELECT rowid FROM ownership WHERE ownable_id = ?)
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ # only delete empty ownerships
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM ownership
+ WHERE ownable_id = ?
+ AND amount = 0
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO news(title)
+ VALUES ((SELECT name FROM ownables WHERE rowid = ?) || ' can not be traded any more.')
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM ownables
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (ownable_id,))
+def hash_all_users_passwords():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid, password, salt
+ FROM users
+ ''')
+ users = current_cursor.fetchall()
+ for user_id, pw, salt in users:
+ valid_hash = True
+ try:
+ sha256_crypt.verify('password' + salt, pw)
+ except ValueError:
+ valid_hash = False
+ if valid_hash:
+ raise AssertionError('There is already a hashed password in the database! Be careful what you are doing!')
+ pw = sha256_crypt.encrypt(pw + salt)
+ execute('''
+ UPDATE users
+ SET password = ?
+ WHERE rowid = ?
+ ''', (pw, user_id,))
+def new_news(message):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ INSERT INTO news(title)
+ VALUES (?)
+ ''', (message,))
+def abs_spread(ownable_id):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ (SELECT MAX("limit")
+ FROM orders, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
+ AND buy
+ AND NOT stop_loss) AS bid,
+ (SELECT MIN("limit")
+ FROM orders, ownership
+ WHERE ownership.rowid = orders.ownership_id
+ AND ownership.ownable_id = ?
+ AND NOT buy
+ AND NOT stop_loss) AS ask
+ ''', (ownable_id, ownable_id,))
+ return current_cursor.fetchone()
+def ownables():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT name, course,
+ (SELECT SUM(amount)
+ FROM ownership
+ WHERE ownership.ownable_id = ownables_with_course.rowid) market_size
+ name, ownables.rowid,
+ CASE WHEN ownables.rowid = ?
+ THEN 1
+ ELSE (SELECT price
+ FROM transactions
+ WHERE ownable_id = ownables.rowid
+ ORDER BY rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by dt
+ LIMIT 1) END course
+ FROM ownables) ownables_with_course
+ ''', (currency_id(),))
+ data = current_cursor.fetchall()
+ for idx in range(len(data)):
+ # compute market cap
+ row = data[idx]
+ if row[1] is None:
+ market_cap = None
+ elif row[2] is None:
+ market_cap = None
+ else:
+ market_cap = row[1] * row[2]
+ data[idx] = (row[0], row[1], market_cap)
+ return data
+def reset_bank():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ DELETE FROM ownership
+ WHERE user_id = ?
+ ''', (bank_id(),))
+def cleanup():
+ global connections
+ global current_connection
+ global current_cursor
+ global current_db_name
+ global current_user_id
+ for name in connections:
+ connections[name].rollback()
+ connections[name].close()
+ connections = []
+ current_connection = None
+ current_cursor = None
+ current_db_name = None
+ current_user_id = None
+def ownable_ids():
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ SELECT rowid FROM ownables
+ ''')
+ return [ownable_id[0] for ownable_id in current_cursor.fetchall()]
+def get_old_orders(user_id, include_executed, include_canceled, limit):
+ connect()
+ execute('''
+ (CASE WHEN order_history.buy THEN 'Buy' ELSE 'Sell' END),
+ ownables.name,
+ (order_history.ordered_amount - order_history.executed_amount) || '/' || order_history.ordered_amount,
+ order_history."limit",
+ order_history.expiry_dt,
+ order_history.order_id,
+ order_history.status
+ FROM order_history, ownership, ownables
+ WHERE ownership.user_id = ?
+ AND ownership.rowid = order_history.ownership_id
+ AND ownables.rowid = ownership.ownable_id
+ AND (
+ (order_history.status = 'Executed' AND ?)
+ OR
+ ((order_history.status = 'Expired' OR order_history.status = 'Canceled') AND ?)
+ )
+ ORDER BY order_history.rowid DESC -- equivalent to ordering by creation time
+ ''', (user_id, include_executed, include_canceled, limit))
+ return current_cursor.fetchall()