@@ -1,8 +1,178 @@
-import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, inject } from '@angular/core';
+import { Editor } from 'ngx-editor';
+import { Npc, Npcs } from 'src/interfaces/interfaces';
+import { DataService } from 'src/services/data/data.service';
selector: 'app-journal-npcs',
templateUrl: './journal-npcs.component.html',
styleUrl: './journal-npcs.component.scss',
-export class JournalNpcsComponent {}
+export class JournalNpcsComponent {
+ shortEditor: Editor = new Editor();
+ longEditor: Editor = new Editor();
+ toolbar: any = [
+ ['bold', 'italic'],
+ ['bullet_list'],
+ [{ heading: ['h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'] }],
+ ];
+ public showShortDescription: boolean = false;
+ public isInEditMode = false;
+ public currentIndex: number = 0;
+ private backupIndex: number = -1;
+ public currentType: string = 'companions';
+ public isNewNpc = false;
+ public npcsIsEmpty = true;
+ public npcs: Npcs = {
+ companions: [],
+ allies: [],
+ enemies: [],
+ others: [],
+ };
+ public currentNpc: Npc = {
+ name: '',
+ shortDescription: '',
+ longDescription: '',
+ };
+ private dataService: DataService = inject(DataService);
+ ngOnInit(): void {
+ this.npcs = this.dataService.npcs;
+ this.searchForNextNpc();
+ }
+ public selectNpc(index: number, type: string): void {
+ this.currentIndex = index;
+ this.currentType = type;
+ this.currentNpc = this.getNpc();
+ this.isNewNpc = false;
+ this.isInEditMode = false;
+ }
+ public addNpc(type: string): void {
+ this.currentNpc = {
+ name: '',
+ shortDescription: '',
+ longDescription: '',
+ };
+ this.currentType = type;
+ this.isInEditMode = true;
+ this.isNewNpc = true;
+ this.backupIndex = this.currentIndex;
+ this.currentIndex = -1;
+ this.npcsIsEmpty = false;
+ }
+ * Switches to the edit mode for the current entry.
+ */
+ public editNpc(): void {
+ this.isInEditMode = true;
+ }
+ public saveNpc(): void {
+ if (this.isNewNpc) {
+ this.getList().unshift(this.currentNpc);
+ this.isNewNpc = false;
+ this.currentIndex = 0;
+ }
+ this.isInEditMode = false;
+ this.getList()[this.currentIndex] = this.currentNpc;
+ this.uploadNpcs();
+ }
+ public discardNpc(): void {
+ if (this.isNewNpc) {
+ this.currentIndex = this.backupIndex;
+ this.isNewNpc = false;
+ }
+ if (this.getList().length > 0) {
+ this.currentNpc = this.getNpc();
+ } else {
+ this.searchForNextNpc();
+ }
+ this.isInEditMode = false;
+ }
+ * Delets an npc in the current list at the current index and uploads the result to the server.
+ */
+ public deleteNpc(): void {
+ this.getList().splice(this.currentIndex, 1);
+ if (this.getList().length === 0) {
+ this.searchForNextNpc();
+ } else {
+ this.currentIndex = Math.max(this.currentIndex - 1, 0);
+ this.currentNpc = this.getNpc();
+ }
+ this.uploadNpcs();
+ }
+ private getList(): Npc[] {
+ switch (this.currentType) {
+ case 'companions':
+ return this.npcs.companions;
+ case 'allies':
+ return this.npcs.allies;
+ case 'enemies':
+ return this.npcs.enemies;
+ case 'others':
+ return this.npcs.others;
+ default:
+ return this.npcs.allies;
+ }
+ }
+ public getNpc(): Npc {
+ switch (this.currentType) {
+ case 'companions':
+ return JSON.parse(
+ JSON.stringify(this.npcs.companions[this.currentIndex]),
+ );
+ case 'allies':
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.npcs.allies[this.currentIndex]));
+ case 'enemies':
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.npcs.enemies[this.currentIndex]));
+ case 'others':
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.npcs.others[this.currentIndex]));
+ default:
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.npcs.allies[this.currentIndex]));
+ }
+ }
+ private searchForNextNpc(): void {
+ let notFound = true;
+ ['companions', 'allies', 'enemies', 'others'].forEach((type) => {
+ if (this.npcs[type].length > 0 && notFound) {
+ this.currentType = type;
+ this.currentIndex = 0;
+ this.currentNpc = this.getNpc();
+ notFound = false;
+ }
+ });
+ this.npcsIsEmpty = notFound;
+ }
+ private uploadNpcs(): void {
+ this.dataService.npcs = this.npcs;
+ }