@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ export class JournalSpellcardsComponent {
///////// FUNCTIONS //////////
+ /**
+ * Collects all ids of the spells in the spell list of a given level.
+ * They are passed to the add-card to exclude them from the list of available spells.
+ * @param level The level of the spell.
+ */
public getUsedIDs(level: number): number[] {
const usedIDs: number[] = [];
this.getSpellList(level).forEach((spell) => {
@@ -102,127 +107,10 @@ export class JournalSpellcardsComponent {
this.getSpellList(level).splice(spellIndex, 1);
- // else if (result.state === 'update') {
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // this.openSpellModificationModal(level, spellIndex);
- // }, 100);
- // }
- },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Opens a modal to modify an existing spell. The spell is then updated in the dataAccessor, local level and favorites.
- * @param level The current level of the spell.
- * @param index The index where the spell is located in the spell list.
- */
- public openSpellModificationModal(level: number, index: number): void {
- this.modalAccessor.openModal(SpellModalComponent, {
- spell:
- index !== undefined
- ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getSpellList(level)![index]))
- : undefined,
- isModification: true,
- });
- const resultSubscription = this.modalAccessor.result$.subscribe(
- (result) => {
- if (result.state === 'update') {
- // level was not modified
- if (level === result.data.level) {
- this.updateSpell(result.data, level, index);
- this.dataAccessor.updateFavoriteSpell(result.data);
- this.dataAccessor.updateCustomSpell(result.data);
- } else {
- // level was modified
- this.getSpellList(level).splice(index, 1);
- this.addSpell(result.data, result.data.level);
- }
- }
- resultSubscription.unsubscribe();
- },
- );
- }
- /**
- * In this modal new spells can be created. This can be completely new spells or
- * modified official spells. If successful, the spell is added to the spell list,
- * sent to the daService and sent to the spellsService which in return sends it to the dataBase
- * @param level
- * @param isBasedOnOfficialSpell
- * @param spell
- */
- public openSpellCreationModal(
- level: number,
- isBasedOnOfficialSpell: boolean,
- spell?: Spell,
- ): void {
- this.modalAccessor.openModal(SpellModalComponent, {
- spell: isBasedOnOfficialSpell ? spell : undefined,
- level: level,
- id: this.dataAccessor.customSpellId,
- isBasedOnOfficialSpell: isBasedOnOfficialSpell,
- classes: [this.dataAccessor.characterData.class],
- });
- const resultSubscription = this.modalAccessor.result$.subscribe(
- (result) => {
- if (result.state === 'add') {
- this.addSpell(result.data, level);
- // this.spellsService.addCustomSpell(result.data);
- this.dataAccessor.addCustomSpell(result.data);
- } else {
- }
- resultSubscription.unsubscribe();
- /**
- * Opens the modal to manage custom spells. Here, custom spells can be deleted.
- */
- // public openManageCustomSpellsModal(): void {
- // this.modalAccessor.openModal(CustomSpellsModalComponent, {
- // spells: this.dataAccessor.customSpells,
- // });
- // const resultSubscription = this.modalAccessor.result$.subscribe(
- // (result) => {
- // if (result.state === 'delete') {
- // result.data.forEach((spell: Spell) => {
- // this.deleteCustomSpell(spell);
- // });
- // }
- // resultSubscription.unsubscribe();
- // },
- // );
- // }
- /**
- * Deletes a custom spell from the custom spells list.
- * It is deleted in the spells and data service.
- * It is also removed from the prepared and favorite spells list if present.
- * @param spell
- */
- public deleteCustomSpell(spell: Spell): void {
- this.dataAccessor.deleteCustomSpell(spell);
- this.spellsService.deleteCustomSpell(spell);
- let list = this.getSpellList(spell.level);
- const index = list.findIndex((spellList) => spellList.id === spell.id);
- if (index > -1) {
- list.splice(index, 1);
- this.dataAccessor.removeFavoriteSpell(spell);
- this.updateSpellsInDatabase(spell.level);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds a given spell to the spelllist of a specific level.
- * @param spell The spell to add.
- * @param level The level the spell needs to be added to.
- */
- public addSpellToSpelllist(spell: Spell, level: number): void {
- this.addSpell(spell, level);
- }
* Adds a given spell to the spell list specified by level.
* Also updates the spell list in the database.
@@ -234,17 +122,6 @@ export class JournalSpellcardsComponent {
- /**
- * Overrides a spell in a given spell list, specified by the index.
- * @param spell The new spell.
- * @param level The level to add the spell to.
- * @param index The index at which the spell should be overridden.
- */
- public updateSpell(spell: Spell, level: number, index: number): void {
- this.getSpellList(level)![index] = spell;
- this.updateSpellsInDatabase(level);
- }
* Returns the reference to the spell list specified by the level.
* @param level Specifies the level of the spell list.
@@ -405,12 +282,26 @@ export class JournalSpellcardsComponent {
+ /**
+ * When a spell is dragged, the index, representing the level of the spell is stored in the draggingIndex variable.
+ * @param index The spell's level.
+ */
public dragStart(index: number) {
this.draggingIndex = index;
+ /**
+ * Checks if the dragged element was dropped over the removal card,
+ * the spell is removed from the prepared list and the favorites list.
+ * @param event The event that contains the dragged element.
+ */
public dragEnd(event: any) {
if (event.event.target.classList.contains('removal-card')) {
+ this.dataAccessor.removeFavoriteSpell(
+ this.getSpellList(this.draggingIndex!)[
+ event.source.element.nativeElement.id
+ ],
+ );