#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FastNoiseLite.h" #include "FastNoiseWrapper.h" #include "RandNoise.h" #include "ShapedNoise.h" using namespace Framework; WFenster* window; Bild* img; Vec3 position(0, 0, 0); int zoom = 1; bool exitF = 0; Noise* wrapper; float border = 0.5; float border2 = -1; bool showValue = 1; void updateView() { Vec3 minP = position - Vec3(img->getBreite() / 2, img->getHeight() / 2, 0) / zoom; Vec3 maxP = position + Vec3(img->getBreite() / 2, img->getHeight() / 2, 0) / zoom; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < img->getBreite(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < img->getHeight(); j++) { Vec3 pos(i, j, 0); pos -= Vec3(img->getBreite() / 2, img->getHeight() / 2, 0); pos /= zoom; pos += position; double noise = wrapper->getNoise(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (showValue) { int value = (int)(noise * 255); img->setPixelDP( i, j, 0xFF000000 | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value); } else { if (noise < border && noise > border2) { img->setPixelDP(i, j, 0xFFFFFFFF); counter++; } else { img->setPixelDP(i, j, 0xFF000000); } } } } float percentage = ((float)counter / (img->getBreite() * img->getHeight())) * 100; std::cout << "Showing " << minP.x << " " << minP.y << " to " << maxP.x << " " << maxP.y << " at height " << position.z << " with border " << border2 << " to " << border << " true for " << percentage << "% of " << (img->getBreite() / zoom) * (img->getHeight() / zoom) << " blocks" << std::endl; } int main() { Framework::initFramework(); /* FastNoiseLite* noise = new FastNoiseLite(0); noise->SetNoiseType(FastNoiseLite::NoiseType::NoiseType_ValueCubic); noise->SetFrequency(3.f); wrapper = new FastNoiseWrapper(noise, 0);*/ FastNoiseLite* n = new FastNoiseLite(0); n->SetNoiseType(FastNoiseLite::NoiseType::NoiseType_Cellular); n->SetFrequency(0.005f); n->SetRotationType3D(FastNoiseLite::RotationType3D::RotationType3D_None); n->SetCellularDistanceFunction(FastNoiseLite::CellularDistanceFunction:: CellularDistanceFunction_Hybrid); n->SetCellularJitter(1.f); n->SetCellularReturnType( FastNoiseLite::CellularReturnType::CellularReturnType_CellValue); n->SetFractalType( FastNoiseLite::FractalType::FractalType_DomainWarpIndependent); n->SetDomainWarpType( FastNoiseLite::DomainWarpType::DomainWarpType_OpenSimplex2); n->SetDomainWarpAmp(100.f); n->SetFractalOctaves(3.f); n->SetFractalLacunarity(2.f); n->SetFractalGain(0.5f); wrapper = new FastNoiseWrapper(n, 0); wrapper = new ShapedNoise(wrapper); ((ShapedNoise*)wrapper)->setNeighborOffset(4.f); img = new Bild(); img->neuBild(800, 800, 0xFF000000); BildZ* view = new BildZ(); view->setBildZ(img); view->setStyle(BildZ::Style::Sichtbar); view->setSize(800, 800); WNDCLASS wc = Framework::F_Normal(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); wc.lpszClassName = "Fenster"; window = new WFenster(); window->erstellen(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, wc); window->setSize(800, 800); window->setPosition(100, 100); window->setAnzeigeModus(SW_SHOW); window->setVSchließAktion([](void* p, void* o) { StopNachrichtenSchleife(window->getFensterHandle()); }); Bildschirm* screen = new Bildschirm2D(window); window->setBildschirm(dynamic_cast(screen->getThis())); screen->addMember(view); screen->setTestRend(0); screen->update(); screen->render(); RenderTh* rth = new RenderTh(); rth->setQuiet(1); rth->setBildschirm(screen); rth->beginn(); updateView(); new AsynchronCall([]() { char line[256]; while (!exitF) { std::cin.getline(line, 256); if (strcmp(line, "exit") == 0) { StopNachrichtenSchleife(window->getFensterHandle()); break; } Text txt(line); if (txt.positionVon("show ") == 0) { Text* x = txt.getTeilText(5); position.x = (int)*x; Text* y = x->getTeilText(x->positionVon(" ") + 1); position.y = (int)*y; Text* z = y->getTeilText(y->positionVon(" ") + 1); position.z = (int)*z; updateView(); z->release(); y->release(); x->release(); } if (txt.positionVon("border ") == 0) { Text* x = txt.getTeilText(7); border = (float)*x; updateView(); x->release(); } if (txt.positionVon("border2 ") == 0) { Text* x = txt.getTeilText(7); border2 = (float)*x; updateView(); x->release(); } if (txt.positionVon("zoom ") == 0) { Text* x = txt.getTeilText(5); zoom = (int)*x; updateView(); x->release(); } if (txt.positionVon("show value") == 0) { showValue = 1; updateView(); } if (txt.positionVon("show border") == 0) { showValue = 0; updateView(); } } }); StartNachrichtenSchleife(); exitF = 1; rth->beenden(); window->setBildschirm(0); rth->release(); Framework::releaseFramework(); return 0; }