@@ -1,438 +1,535 @@
+#include "ServerSelection.h"
+#include <AlphaFeld.h>
#include <AsynchronCall.h>
-#include <Schrift.h>
+#include <Base64.h>
#include <Bild.h>
-#include <AlphaFeld.h>
-#include <Knopf.h>
#include <Datei.h>
#include <JSON.h>
-#include <Base64.h>
+#include <Knopf.h>
+#include <Schrift.h>
-#include "ServerSelection.h"
#include "FactoryClient.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Initialisierung.h"
using namespace Framework;
-ServerStatus::ServerStatus(Framework::Text name, Framework::Text ip, unsigned short sslPort, unsigned short port, Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>* secrets)
- : ZeichnungHintergrund(),
- name(name),
- ip(ip),
- sslPort(sslPort),
- port(port),
- playerName(""),
- ping(-1),
- status("..."),
- requestId(0),
- secrets(secrets),
- closeAF(new AlphaFeld()),
- join(initKnopf(0, 0, 55, 20, Knopf::Style::Normal, "join"))
+ServerStatus::ServerStatus(Framework::Text name,
+ Framework::Text ip,
+ unsigned short sslPort,
+ unsigned short port,
+ Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>* secrets)
+ : ZeichnungHintergrund(),
+ name(name),
+ ip(ip),
+ sslPort(sslPort),
+ port(port),
+ playerName(""),
+ ping(-1),
+ status("..."),
+ statusId(0),
+ requestId(0),
+ secrets(secrets),
+ closeAF(new AlphaFeld()),
+ join(initKnopf(0, 0, 55, 20, Knopf::Style::Normal, "join"))
- closeAF->setSize(20, 20);
- closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
- setMausEreignis(_ret1ME);
- setStyle(Style::Erlaubt | Style::Sichtbar | Style::Rahmen);
- setRahmenBreite(1);
- setRahmenFarbe(0xFF3d3d3d);
- join->setMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, MausEreignis me)
- {
- if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
- {
- FactoryClient* client = new FactoryClient();
- if (!client->connect(getIp(), getSSLPort()))
- {
- lockZeichnung();
- status = "The Server is currently not reachable";
- statusId = 404;
- ping = -1;
- rend = 1;
- unlockZeichnung();
- client->release();
- }
- else
- {
- Text secret = "";
- if (this->secrets->has(playerName))
- secret = this->secrets->get(playerName);
- bool isNew = secret.getLength() == 0;
- int stId = client->join(playerName, secret, getPort());
- lockZeichnung();
- statusId = stId;
- if (statusId == 403)
- status = "The name is already in use";
- if (statusId == 500)
- status = "Unknown Server message received";
- if (statusId == 201)
- status = "Please try again";
- unlockZeichnung();
- if (statusId == 200 || statusId == 201)
- {
- if(statusId == 200)
- ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("serverSelection"))->hide();
- if (isNew)
- {
- this->secrets->put(playerName, secret);
- ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("serverSelection"))->saveServers();
- }
- if (statusId == 200)
- {
- World::INSTANCE = new World(dynamic_cast<Bildschirm3D*>(window->zBildschirm()), client);
- ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("game"))->show();
- }
- }
- else
- client->release();
- }
- }
- return 1;
- });
+ closeAF->setSize(20, 20);
+ closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
+ setMausEreignis(_ret1ME);
+ setStyle(Style::Erlaubt | Style::Sichtbar | Style::Rahmen);
+ setRahmenBreite(1);
+ setRahmenFarbe(0xFF3d3d3d);
+ join->setMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ FactoryClient* client = new FactoryClient();
+ if (!client->connect(getIp(), getSSLPort()))
+ {
+ lockZeichnung();
+ status = "The Server is currently not reachable";
+ statusId = 404;
+ ping = -1;
+ rend = 1;
+ unlockZeichnung();
+ client->release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Text secret = "";
+ if (this->secrets->has(playerName))
+ secret = this->secrets->get(playerName);
+ bool isNew = secret.getLength() == 0;
+ int stId = client->join(playerName, secret, getPort());
+ lockZeichnung();
+ statusId = stId;
+ if (statusId == 403) status = "The name is already in use";
+ if (statusId == 500) status = "Unknown Server message received";
+ if (statusId == 201) status = "Please try again";
+ unlockZeichnung();
+ if (statusId == 200 || statusId == 201)
+ {
+ if (statusId == 200)
+ ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get(
+ "serverSelection"))
+ ->hide();
+ if (isNew)
+ {
+ this->secrets->put(playerName, secret);
+ ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get(
+ "serverSelection"))
+ ->saveServers();
+ }
+ if (statusId == 200)
+ {
+ World::INSTANCE = new World(
+ dynamic_cast<Bildschirm3D*>(window->zBildschirm()),
+ client);
+ ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("game"))
+ ->show();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ client->release();
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
- secrets->release();
- closeAF->release();
- join->release();
+ secrets->release();
+ closeAF->release();
+ join->release();
void ServerStatus::updatePlayerName(Framework::Text playerName)
- lockZeichnung();
- status = "";
- this->playerName = playerName;
- ServerStatus* tmp = dynamic_cast<ServerStatus*>(getThis());
- int id = ++requestId;
- unlockZeichnung();
- new AsynchronCall([tmp, id]()
- {
- FactoryClient* client = new FactoryClient();
- if (!client->connect(tmp->getIp(), tmp->getSSLPort()))
- {
- tmp->lockZeichnung();
- if (tmp->requestId == id)
- {
- tmp->status = "The Server is currently not reachable";
- tmp->statusId = 404;
- tmp->ping = -1;
- tmp->rend = 1;
- }
- tmp->unlockZeichnung();
- }
- else
- {
- tmp->lockZeichnung();
- if (tmp->requestId == id)
- {
- Text secret = "";
- if (tmp->secrets->has(tmp->playerName))
- secret = tmp->secrets->get(tmp->playerName);
- tmp->unlockZeichnung();
- int ping = client->ping();
- int statusId = client->status(tmp->playerName, secret);
- tmp->lockZeichnung();
- if (tmp->requestId == id)
- {
- tmp->ping = ping;
- tmp->statusId = statusId;
- if (tmp->statusId == 200)
- tmp->status = "The Server is reachable";
- if (tmp->statusId == 403)
- tmp->status = "The name is already in use";
- tmp->rend = 1;
- }
- }
- tmp->unlockZeichnung();
- }
- client->release();
- tmp->release();
- });
+ lockZeichnung();
+ status = "";
+ this->playerName = playerName;
+ ServerStatus* tmp = dynamic_cast<ServerStatus*>(getThis());
+ int id = ++requestId;
+ unlockZeichnung();
+ new AsynchronCall([tmp, id]() {
+ FactoryClient* client = new FactoryClient();
+ if (!client->connect(tmp->getIp(), tmp->getSSLPort()))
+ {
+ tmp->lockZeichnung();
+ if (tmp->requestId == id)
+ {
+ tmp->status = "The Server is currently not reachable";
+ tmp->statusId = 404;
+ tmp->ping = -1;
+ tmp->rend = 1;
+ }
+ tmp->unlockZeichnung();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp->lockZeichnung();
+ if (tmp->requestId == id)
+ {
+ Text secret = "";
+ if (tmp->secrets->has(tmp->playerName))
+ secret = tmp->secrets->get(tmp->playerName);
+ tmp->unlockZeichnung();
+ int ping = client->ping();
+ int statusId = client->status(tmp->playerName, secret);
+ tmp->lockZeichnung();
+ if (tmp->requestId == id)
+ {
+ tmp->ping = ping;
+ tmp->statusId = statusId;
+ if (tmp->statusId == 200)
+ tmp->status = "The Server is reachable";
+ if (tmp->statusId == 403)
+ tmp->status = "The name is already in use";
+ tmp->rend = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp->unlockZeichnung();
+ }
+ client->release();
+ tmp->release();
+ });
void ServerStatus::doMausEreignis(Framework::MausEreignis& me, bool userRet)
- if (me.id == ME_Leaves)
- {
- closeAF->setStrength(0);
- closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
- }
- else if (me.id == ME_Bewegung)
- {
- if (me.mx >= gr.x - 20 && me.mx < gr.x && me.my >= 0 && me.my <= 20)
- {
- if (closeAF->getStrength() == 0)
- {
- closeAF->setStrength(-5);
- closeAF->setFarbe(0x30FF0000);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (closeAF->getStrength() != 0)
- {
- closeAF->setStrength(0);
- closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
- }
- }
- }
- if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
- {
- if (me.mx >= gr.x - 20 && me.mx < gr.x && me.my >= 0 && me.my <= 20)
- {
- ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("serverSelection"))->removeServer(name);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (canConnect())
- join->doPublicMausEreignis(me);
+ if (me.id == ME_Leaves)
+ {
+ closeAF->setStrength(0);
+ closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
+ }
+ else if (me.id == ME_Bewegung)
+ {
+ if (me.mx >= gr.x - 20 && me.mx < gr.x && me.my >= 0 && me.my <= 20)
+ {
+ if (closeAF->getStrength() == 0)
+ {
+ closeAF->setStrength(-5);
+ closeAF->setFarbe(0x30FF0000);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (closeAF->getStrength() != 0)
+ {
+ closeAF->setStrength(0);
+ closeAF->setFarbe(0x00FF0000);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ if (me.mx >= gr.x - 20 && me.mx < gr.x && me.my >= 0 && me.my <= 20)
+ {
+ ((ServerSelectionMenu*)(Menu*)menuRegister->get("serverSelection"))
+ ->removeServer(name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (canConnect()) join->doPublicMausEreignis(me);
bool ServerStatus::tick(double time)
- join->setPosition(gr.x - 60, gr.y - 25);
- closeAF->setPosition(gr.x - 20, 0);
- return ZeichnungHintergrund::tick(time) || join->tick(time) || closeAF->tick(time);
+ join->setPosition(gr.x - 60, gr.y - 25);
+ closeAF->setPosition(gr.x - 20, 0);
+ return ZeichnungHintergrund::tick(time) || join->tick(time)
+ || closeAF->tick(time);
void ServerStatus::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
- ZeichnungHintergrund::render(rObj);
- if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos, gr))
- {
- TextRenderer tr(dynamic_cast<Schrift*>(uiFactory.initParam.schrift->getThis()));
- tr.setSchriftSize(12);
- tr.renderText(5, 5, name, rObj, 0xFFFFFFFF);
- tr.renderText(5, 25, ip + ":" + sslPort + " (" + port + ")", rObj, 0xFF808080);
- if (requestId && requestId != 404)
- {
- int tbr = tr.getTextBreite(Text("ping: ") + ping);
- if (ping >= 0)
- {
- tr.renderText(getBreite() - 25 - tbr, 5, Text("ping: ") + ping, rObj, 0xFFFFFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (statusId == 404 || statusId == 500)
- tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFFFF0000);
- if (statusId == 403 || statusId == 201)
- tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFFFFA500);
- if (statusId == 200)
- tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFF00FF00);
- closeAF->render(rObj);
- rObj.drawLinie(Punkt(gr.x - 20, 0), Punkt(gr.x, 20), 0xFFFF0000);
- rObj.drawLinie(Punkt(gr.x - 20, 20), Punkt(gr.x, 0), 0xFFFF0000);
- if (canConnect())
- join->render(rObj);
- rObj.releaseDrawOptions();
- }
+ ZeichnungHintergrund::render(rObj);
+ if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos, gr))
+ {
+ TextRenderer tr(
+ dynamic_cast<Schrift*>(uiFactory.initParam.schrift->getThis()));
+ tr.setSchriftSize(12);
+ tr.renderText(5, 5, name, rObj, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ tr.renderText(
+ 5, 25, ip + ":" + sslPort + " (" + port + ")", rObj, 0xFF808080);
+ if (requestId && requestId != 404)
+ {
+ int tbr = tr.getTextBreite(Text("ping: ") + ping);
+ if (ping >= 0)
+ {
+ tr.renderText(getBreite() - 25 - tbr,
+ 5,
+ Text("ping: ") + ping,
+ rObj,
+ }
+ }
+ if (statusId == 404 || statusId == 500)
+ tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFFFF0000);
+ if (statusId == 403 || statusId == 201)
+ tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFFFFA500);
+ if (statusId == 200) tr.renderText(5, 45, status, rObj, 0xFF00FF00);
+ closeAF->render(rObj);
+ rObj.drawLinie(Punkt(gr.x - 20, 0), Punkt(gr.x, 20), 0xFFFF0000);
+ rObj.drawLinie(Punkt(gr.x - 20, 20), Punkt(gr.x, 0), 0xFFFF0000);
+ if (canConnect()) join->render(rObj);
+ rObj.releaseDrawOptions();
+ }
Framework::Text ServerStatus::getName() const
- return name;
+ return name;
Framework::Text ServerStatus::getIp() const
- return ip;
+ return ip;
unsigned short ServerStatus::getSSLPort() const
- return sslPort;
+ return sslPort;
unsigned short ServerStatus::getPort() const
- return port;
+ return port;
-Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>* ServerStatus::zSecrets() const
+Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>*
+ServerStatus::zSecrets() const
- return secrets;
+ return secrets;
bool ServerStatus::canConnect() const
- return statusId == 200 || statusId == 201;
+ return statusId == 200 || statusId == 201;
ServerSelectionMenu::ServerSelectionMenu(Bildschirm* zScreen)
- : Menu(zScreen)
+ : Menu(zScreen)
- playerNameLabel = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 300, 85, 20, TextFeld::Style::Text | TextFeld::Style::VCenter, "Player Name:");
- elements.add(playerNameLabel);
- playerName = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150 + 85, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 300, 215, 20, TextFeld::Style::TextFeld, "");
- playerName->setNTastaturEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, TastaturEreignis te)
- {
- // set player names of each server
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
- saveServers();
- return 1;
- });
- elements.add(playerName);
- serverLabel = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 275, 100, 20, TextFeld::Style::Text | TextFeld::Style::VCenter, "Server:");
- elements.add(serverLabel);
- refresh = initKnopf(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 + 80, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 275, 70, 20, Knopf::Style::Normal, "Refresh");
- refresh->setMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, Framework::MausEreignis me)
- {
- if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
- {
- if (playerName->zText()->getLength() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
- }
- }
- return 1;
- });
- elements.add(refresh);
- serverList = new ZListe();
- serverList->setSize(300, 480);
- serverList->setRahmenBreite(1);
- serverList->setRahmenFarbe(0xFF6d6d6d);
- serverList->setPosition(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 250);
- serverList->setStyle(ZListe::Style::Normal | ZListe::Style::VScroll);
- serverList->setMausEreignis(_ret1ME);
- serverList->setVertikalScrollPos(0);
- serverList->setEntrySeperatorSize(1);
- serverList->setEntrySeperatorColor(0xFF6d6d6d);
- elements.add(serverList);
- add = initKnopf(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 50, zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 + 235, 100, 20, Knopf::Style::Normal, "Add Server");
- elements.add(add);
- add->setMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, Framework::MausEreignis me)
- {
- if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
- {
- hide();
- menuRegister->get("addServer")->show();
- }
- return 1;
- });
- // load server json
- JSON::JSONValue* json = JSON::loadJSONFromFile("data/server.json");
- if (json)
- {
- // build validator
- JSON::Validator::JSONValidator* validator = JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForObject()
- ->withRequiredString("playerName")->withDefault("")->finishString()
- ->withRequiredAttribute("server", JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForArray()
- ->withDefault(new JSON::JSONArray())
- ->removeInvalidEntries()
- ->addAcceptedTypeInArray(JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForObject()
- ->withRequiredString("name")->finishString()
- ->withRequiredString("ip")->finishString()
- ->withRequiredNumber("sslPort")->whichIsGreaterOrEqual(0)->whichIsLessOrEqual((double)0xFFFF)->finishNumber()
- ->withRequiredNumber("port")->whichIsGreaterOrEqual(0)->whichIsLessOrEqual((double)0xFFFF)->finishNumber()
- ->withRequiredAttribute("secrets", JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForArray()
- ->addAcceptedObjectInArray()
- ->withRequiredString("secret")->finishString()
- ->withRequiredString("playerName")->finishString()
- ->finishObject()->finishArray())
- ->finishObject())
- ->finishArray())
- ->finishObject();
- JSON::JSONValue* validJson = validator->getValidParts(json);
- json->release();
- if (validJson)
- {
- JSON::JSONArray* arr = validJson->asObject()->zValue("server")->asArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < arr->getLength(); i++)
- {
- JSON::JSONObject* obj = arr->zValue(i)->asObject();
- Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>* secrets = new Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>(10, [](Text t) { return t.hashCode(); });
- JSON::JSONArray* secretsJson = obj->zValue("secrets")->asArray();
- for (int j = 0; j < secretsJson->getLength(); j++)
- {
- JSON::JSONObject* obj2 = secretsJson->zValue(j)->asObject();
- //decode base64 secret
- char* secretBuffer = 0;
- int length;
- Framework::base64Decode(obj2->zValue("secret")->asString()->getString(), &secretBuffer, &length);
- secrets->put(obj2->zValue("playerName")->asString()->getString(), Framework::Text(secretBuffer));
- delete[] secretBuffer;
- }
- ServerStatus* s = new ServerStatus(obj->zValue("name")->asString()->getString(), obj->zValue("ip")->asString()->getString(), (unsigned short)obj->zValue("sslPort")->asNumber()->getNumber(), (unsigned short)obj->zValue("port")->asNumber()->getNumber(), secrets);
- s->setSize(300, 65);
- serverList->addEintrag(s);
- }
- playerName->setText(validJson->asObject()->zValue("playerName")->asString()->getString());
- if (playerName->zText()->getLength() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
- }
- serverList->updateVScroll();
- validJson->release();
- }
- validator->release();
- }
+ playerNameLabel = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 300,
+ 85,
+ 20,
+ TextFeld::Style::Text | TextFeld::Style::VCenter,
+ "Player Name:");
+ elements.add(playerNameLabel);
+ playerName = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150 + 85,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 300,
+ 215,
+ 20,
+ TextFeld::Style::TextFeld,
+ "");
+ playerName->setNTastaturEreignis(
+ [this](void* p, void* o, TastaturEreignis te) {
+ // set player names of each server
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))
+ ->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
+ saveServers();
+ return 1;
+ });
+ elements.add(playerName);
+ serverLabel = initTextFeld(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 275,
+ 100,
+ 20,
+ TextFeld::Style::Text | TextFeld::Style::VCenter,
+ "Server:");
+ elements.add(serverLabel);
+ refresh = initKnopf(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 + 80,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 275,
+ 70,
+ 20,
+ Knopf::Style::Normal,
+ "Refresh");
+ refresh->setMausEreignis(
+ [this](void* p, void* o, Framework::MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ if (playerName->zText()->getLength() > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))
+ ->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ elements.add(refresh);
+ serverList = new ZListe();
+ serverList->setSize(300, 480);
+ serverList->setRahmenBreite(1);
+ serverList->setRahmenFarbe(0xFF6d6d6d);
+ serverList->setPosition(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 150,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 - 250);
+ serverList->setStyle(ZListe::Style::Normal | ZListe::Style::VScroll);
+ serverList->setMausEreignis(_ret1ME);
+ serverList->setVertikalScrollPos(0);
+ serverList->setEntrySeperatorSize(1);
+ serverList->setEntrySeperatorColor(0xFF6d6d6d);
+ elements.add(serverList);
+ add = initKnopf(zScreen->getBackBufferSize().x / 2 - 50,
+ zScreen->getBackBufferSize().y / 2 + 235,
+ 100,
+ 20,
+ Knopf::Style::Normal,
+ "Add Server");
+ elements.add(add);
+ add->setMausEreignis([this](void* p, void* o, Framework::MausEreignis me) {
+ if (me.id == ME_RLinks)
+ {
+ hide();
+ menuRegister->get("addServer")->show();
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ // load server json
+ JSON::JSONValue* json = JSON::loadJSONFromFile("data/server.json");
+ if (json)
+ {
+ // build validator
+ JSON::Validator::JSONValidator* validator
+ = JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForObject()
+ ->withRequiredString("playerName")
+ ->withDefault("")
+ ->finishString()
+ ->withRequiredAttribute("server",
+ JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForArray()
+ ->withDefault(new JSON::JSONArray())
+ ->removeInvalidEntries()
+ ->addAcceptedTypeInArray(
+ JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::buildForObject()
+ ->withRequiredString("name")
+ ->finishString()
+ ->withRequiredString("ip")
+ ->finishString()
+ ->withRequiredNumber("sslPort")
+ ->whichIsGreaterOrEqual(0)
+ ->whichIsLessOrEqual((double)0xFFFF)
+ ->finishNumber()
+ ->withRequiredNumber("port")
+ ->whichIsGreaterOrEqual(0)
+ ->whichIsLessOrEqual((double)0xFFFF)
+ ->finishNumber()
+ ->withRequiredAttribute("secrets",
+ JSON::Validator::JSONValidator::
+ buildForArray()
+ ->addAcceptedObjectInArray()
+ ->withRequiredString("secret")
+ ->finishString()
+ ->withRequiredString("playerName")
+ ->finishString()
+ ->finishObject()
+ ->finishArray())
+ ->finishObject())
+ ->finishArray())
+ ->finishObject();
+ JSON::JSONValue* validJson = validator->getValidParts(json);
+ json->release();
+ if (validJson)
+ {
+ JSON::JSONArray* arr
+ = validJson->asObject()->zValue("server")->asArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < arr->getLength(); i++)
+ {
+ JSON::JSONObject* obj = arr->zValue(i)->asObject();
+ Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>* secrets
+ = new Framework::HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>(
+ 10, [](Text t) { return t.hashCode(); });
+ JSON::JSONArray* secretsJson
+ = obj->zValue("secrets")->asArray();
+ for (int j = 0; j < secretsJson->getLength(); j++)
+ {
+ JSON::JSONObject* obj2 = secretsJson->zValue(j)->asObject();
+ // decode base64 secret
+ char* secretBuffer = 0;
+ int length;
+ Framework::base64Decode(
+ obj2->zValue("secret")->asString()->getString(),
+ &secretBuffer,
+ &length);
+ secrets->put(
+ obj2->zValue("playerName")->asString()->getString(),
+ Framework::Text(secretBuffer));
+ delete[] secretBuffer;
+ }
+ ServerStatus* s = new ServerStatus(
+ obj->zValue("name")->asString()->getString(),
+ obj->zValue("ip")->asString()->getString(),
+ (unsigned short)obj->zValue("sslPort")
+ ->asNumber()
+ ->getNumber(),
+ (unsigned short)obj->zValue("port")
+ ->asNumber()
+ ->getNumber(),
+ secrets);
+ s->setSize(300, 65);
+ serverList->addEintrag(s);
+ }
+ playerName->setText(validJson->asObject()
+ ->zValue("playerName")
+ ->asString()
+ ->getString());
+ if (playerName->zText()->getLength() > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))
+ ->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
+ }
+ serverList->updateVScroll();
+ validJson->release();
+ }
+ validator->release();
+ }
-void ServerSelectionMenu::addServer(Framework::Text name, Framework::Text ip, unsigned short sslPort, unsigned short port)
+void ServerSelectionMenu::addServer(Framework::Text name,
+ Framework::Text ip,
+ unsigned short sslPort,
+ unsigned short port)
- ServerStatus* tmp = new ServerStatus(name, ip, sslPort, port, new HashMap< Framework::Text, Framework::Text>(10, [](Text t)
- {
- return t.hashCode();
- }));
- tmp->setSize(300, 65);
- serverList->addEintrag(tmp);
- tmp->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
- serverList->updateVScroll();
- saveServers();
+ ServerStatus* tmp = new ServerStatus(name,
+ ip,
+ sslPort,
+ port,
+ new HashMap<Framework::Text, Framework::Text>(
+ 10, [](Text t) { return t.hashCode(); }));
+ tmp->setSize(300, 65);
+ serverList->addEintrag(tmp);
+ tmp->updatePlayerName(playerName->zText()->getText());
+ serverList->updateVScroll();
+ saveServers();
bool ServerSelectionMenu::hasServer(Framework::Text name) const
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- {
- if (((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName() == name)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ {
+ if (((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName() == name)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
void ServerSelectionMenu::removeServer(Framework::Text name) const
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- {
- if (((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName() == name)
- serverList->removeEintrag(i);
- }
- serverList->updateVScroll();
- saveServers();
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ {
+ if (((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName() == name)
+ serverList->removeEintrag(i);
+ }
+ serverList->updateVScroll();
+ saveServers();
void ServerSelectionMenu::saveServers() const
- Datei file;
- file.setDatei("data/server.json");
- file.open(Datei::Style::schreiben);
- JSON::JSONObject root;
- JSON::JSONArray* servers = new JSON::JSONArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
- {
- JSON::JSONObject* server = new JSON::JSONObject();
- server->addValue("name", new JSON::JSONString(((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName()));
- server->addValue("ip", new JSON::JSONString(((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getIp()));
- server->addValue("sslPort", new JSON::JSONNumber(((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getSSLPort()));
- server->addValue("port", new JSON::JSONNumber(((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getPort()));
- JSON::JSONArray* secrets = new JSON::JSONArray();
- for (auto secretEntry : *((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->zSecrets())
- {
- JSON::JSONObject* secret = new JSON::JSONObject();
- secret->addValue("playerName", new JSON::JSONString(secretEntry.getKey()));
- // base64 encode secret
- Framework::Text secretBase64 = Framework::base64Encode(secretEntry.getValue(), secretEntry.getValue().getLength());
- secret->addValue("secret", new JSON::JSONString(secretBase64));
- secrets->addValue(secret);
- }
- server->addValue("secrets", secrets);
- servers->addValue(server);
- }
- root.addValue("server", servers);
- root.addValue("playerName", new JSON::JSONString(playerName->zText()->getText()));
- Framework::Text json = root.toString();
- file.schreibe(json, json.getLength());
- file.close();
+ Datei file;
+ file.setDatei("data/server.json");
+ file.open(Datei::Style::schreiben);
+ JSON::JSONObject root;
+ JSON::JSONArray* servers = new JSON::JSONArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < serverList->getEintragAnzahl(); i++)
+ {
+ JSON::JSONObject* server = new JSON::JSONObject();
+ server->addValue("name",
+ new JSON::JSONString(
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getName()));
+ server->addValue("ip",
+ new JSON::JSONString(
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getIp()));
+ server->addValue("sslPort",
+ new JSON::JSONNumber(
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getSSLPort()));
+ server->addValue("port",
+ new JSON::JSONNumber(
+ ((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->getPort()));
+ JSON::JSONArray* secrets = new JSON::JSONArray();
+ for (auto secretEntry :
+ *((ServerStatus*)serverList->zEintrag(i))->zSecrets())
+ {
+ JSON::JSONObject* secret = new JSON::JSONObject();
+ secret->addValue(
+ "playerName", new JSON::JSONString(secretEntry.getKey()));
+ // base64 encode secret
+ Framework::Text secretBase64 = Framework::base64Encode(
+ secretEntry.getValue(), secretEntry.getValue().getLength());
+ secret->addValue("secret", new JSON::JSONString(secretBase64));
+ secrets->addValue(secret);
+ }
+ server->addValue("secrets", secrets);
+ servers->addValue(server);
+ }
+ root.addValue("server", servers);
+ root.addValue(
+ "playerName", new JSON::JSONString(playerName->zText()->getText()));
+ Framework::Text json = root.toString();
+ file.schreibe(json, json.getLength());
+ file.close();