@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <Scroll.h>
#include <XML.h>
+#include "Globals.h"
#include "Load.h"
#include "World.h"
@@ -49,31 +50,50 @@ Framework::Zeichnung* QuestGraphElement::parseElement(
// set connection references
+ int connectionId = -1;
for (MapEntry<Framework::Text, QuestGraphItem*> entry : map)
QuestGraphItem* item = entry.getValue();
Framework::Text requirements = item->getRequirements();
while (requirements.getLength() > 0)
- Framework::Text* requirement;
- if (requirements.hat(","))
+ connectionId++;
+ Framework::Text* part = 0;
+ if (requirements.hat("||"))
- requirement = requirements.getTeilText(
- 0, requirements.positionVon(","));
- requirements.remove(0, requirements.positionVon(",") + 1);
+ part = requirements.getTeilText(
+ 0, requirements.positionVon("||"));
+ requirements.remove(0, requirements.positionVon("||") + 2);
- requirement = new Text(requirements);
+ part = new Framework::Text(requirements);
requirements = "";
- QuestGraphItem* requiredItem = map.get(*requirement);
- if (requiredItem)
+ while (part->getLength() > 0)
- requiredItem->addNextLayerRef(item);
- item->addPreviousLayerRef(requiredItem);
+ Framework::Text* requirement;
+ if (part->hat("&&"))
+ {
+ requirement = part->getTeilText(0, part->positionVon("&&"));
+ part->remove(0, part->positionVon("&&") + 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ requirement = new Text(part->getText());
+ part->setText("");
+ }
+ requirement->removeWhitespaceAfter(0);
+ requirement->removeWhitespaceBefore(requirement->getLength());
+ QuestGraphItem* requiredItem = map.get(*requirement);
+ if (requiredItem)
+ {
+ requiredItem->addNextLayerRef({item, connectionId});
+ item->addPreviousLayerRef({requiredItem, connectionId});
+ }
+ requirement->release();
- requirement->release();
+ part->release();
// calculate layer index based on connections
@@ -116,7 +136,7 @@ void QuestGraphElement::layout(Framework::XML::Element& element,
Framework::UIMLContainer& generalLayouter)
UIMLElement::layout(element, z, pWidth, pHeight, generalLayouter);
- QuestGraph *graph = dynamic_cast<QuestGraph*>(&z);
+ QuestGraph* graph = dynamic_cast<QuestGraph*>(&z);
@@ -142,13 +162,14 @@ Framework::Zeichnung* QuestGraphItemElement::parseElement(
+ item->rewarded = (int)element.getAttributeValue("rewarded") != 0;
item->mainQuest = (int)element.getAttributeValue("mainQuest") != 0;
if (item->mainQuest)
item->id = element.getAttributeValue("id");
- item->requirements = element.getAttributeValue("requiredQuests");
+ item->requirements = element.getAttributeValue("requirements");
item->virtualNode = 0;
return item;
@@ -169,10 +190,354 @@ void QuestGraphItemElement::layout(Framework::XML::Element& element,
UIMLElement::layout(element, z, pWidth, pHeight, generalLayouter);
+Connection::Connection(QuestGraphItem* zSource)
+ : ReferenceCounter(),
+ zSource(zSource),
+ vx(0),
+ minY(0),
+ maxY(0)
+void Connection::renderVertical(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ if (targets.getEintragAnzahl())
+ {
+ rObj.drawLinieV(
+ vx, minY, maxY - minY, isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ }
+void Connection::renderHorizontal(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ if (targets.getEintragAnzahl())
+ {
+ Framework::Punkt start = zSource->getPosition();
+ start.x += zSource->getBreite();
+ start.y += zSource->getHeight() / 2;
+ rObj.drawLinieH(start.x, start.y - 2, vx - start.x, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(start.x, start.y - 1, vx - start.x, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(start.x,
+ start.y,
+ vx - start.x,
+ isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(start.x, start.y + 1, vx - start.x, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(start.x, start.y + 2, vx - start.x, 0xA0000000);
+ for (const ConnectionTarget& target : targets)
+ {
+ Framework::Punkt end
+ = target.zTarget->getTargetPosition(target.targetIndex);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(vx + 1, end.y - 2, end.x - vx - 1, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(vx + 1, end.y - 1, end.x - vx - 1, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(vx + 1,
+ end.y,
+ end.x - vx - 1,
+ isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(vx + 1, end.y + 1, end.x - vx - 1, 0xA0000000);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(vx + 1, end.y + 2, end.x - vx - 1, 0xA0000000);
+ }
+ }
+void Connection::setVx(int vx)
+ this->vx = vx;
+void Connection::addConnectionTarget(ConnectionTarget target)
+ targets.add(target);
+void Connection::setTargetIndex(AndNode* zTarget, int index)
+ for (auto target = targets.begin(); target; target++)
+ {
+ if (target.val().zTarget == zTarget)
+ {
+ target.set({index, target.val().zTarget});
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void Connection::layout()
+ minY = 0;
+ maxY = 0;
+ bool start = 1;
+ for (const ConnectionTarget& target : targets)
+ {
+ Framework::Punkt end
+ = target.zTarget->getTargetPosition(target.targetIndex);
+ if (start || end.y < minY)
+ {
+ minY = end.y;
+ }
+ if (start || end.y > maxY)
+ {
+ maxY = end.y;
+ }
+ start = 0;
+ }
+ Framework::Punkt origin = zSource->getPosition();
+ origin.x += zSource->getBreite();
+ origin.y += zSource->getHeight() / 2;
+ if (minY > origin.y) minY = origin.y;
+ if (maxY < origin.y) maxY = origin.y;
+ maxY++;
+bool Connection::isActive() const
+ return zSource->isFinished();
+int Connection::getOrderNum() const
+ return zSource->getNodeIndex();
+int Connection::getTargetCount() const
+ return targets.getEintragAnzahl();
+int Connection::getVerticalLength() const
+ return maxY - minY;
+int Connection::getVx() const
+ return vx;
+ : ZeichnungHintergrund()
+ setStyle(ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Sichtbar
+ | ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Rahmen);
+ setRahmenBreite(1);
+ setRahmenFarbe(0xFF52525E);
+ tr.setSchriftSize(12);
+ tr.setSchriftZ(
+ dynamic_cast<Schrift*>(uiFactory.initParam.schrift->getThis()));
+void AndNode::addConnection(Connection* zConnection)
+ int pos = 0;
+ for (Connection* other : connections)
+ {
+ if (other->getOrderNum() > zConnection->getOrderNum()) break;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ zConnection->addConnectionTarget({pos, this});
+ connections.add(zConnection, pos);
+ pos = 0;
+ for (Connection* con : connections)
+ {
+ con->setTargetIndex(this, pos);
+ pos++;
+ }
+void AndNode::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ setRahmenFarbe(isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ if (connections.getEintragAnzahl() > 1)
+ {
+ ZeichnungHintergrund::render(rObj);
+ if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos.x + getRahmenBreite(),
+ pos.y + getRahmenBreite(),
+ getInnenBreite(),
+ getInnenHeight()))
+ {
+ tr.renderText(getInnenBreite() / 2 - tr.getTextBreite("&") / 2,
+ getInnenHeight() / 2 - tr.getTextHeight("&") / 2,
+ "&",
+ rObj,
+ isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ rObj.releaseDrawOptions();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (connections.getEintragAnzahl() > 0)
+ {
+ if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos, gr))
+ {
+ rObj.drawLinieH(0,
+ 0,
+ gr.x,
+ connections.get(0)->isActive() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ rObj.releaseDrawOptions();
+ }
+ }
+Framework::Punkt AndNode::getTargetPosition(int index)
+ if (connections.getEintragAnzahl() == 1)
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ return pos + Framework::Punkt(0, 10 + index * 11);
+void AndNode::layout()
+ if (connections.getEintragAnzahl() == 1)
+ {
+ setSize(20, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setSize(20, 10 + connections.getEintragAnzahl() * 11);
+ }
+bool AndNode::isActive() const
+ for (Connection* connection : connections)
+ {
+ if (!connection->isActive()) return false;
+ }
+ return connections.getEintragAnzahl() > 0;
+int AndNode::getConnectionCount() const
+ return connections.getEintragAnzahl();
+OrConnection::OrConnection(QuestGraphItem* zTarget,
+ const Framework::Array<ConnectionInfo>& connections)
+ : ReferenceCounter(),
+ zTarget(zTarget),
+ minY(0),
+ maxY(0)
+ int currId = -1;
+ AndNode* currNode = 0;
+ for (const ConnectionInfo& info : connections)
+ {
+ if (info.id != currId)
+ {
+ currNode = new AndNode();
+ andNodes.add(currNode);
+ currId = info.id;
+ }
+ currNode->addConnection(info.target->zOutgoingConnection());
+ }
+void OrConnection::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ if (andNodes.getEintragAnzahl() == 0) return;
+ bool active = isActive();
+ rObj.drawLinieV(zTarget->getX() - 11,
+ minY,
+ maxY - minY,
+ active ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ rObj.drawLinieH(zTarget->getX() - 10,
+ zTarget->getY() + zTarget->getHeight() / 2,
+ 10,
+ active ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ rObj.drawLinieH(node->getX() + node->getBreite(),
+ node->getY() + node->getHeight() / 2,
+ 10,
+ active ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ node->render(rObj);
+ }
+void OrConnection::layout()
+ int nodeHeight = -10;
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ node->layout();
+ nodeHeight += node->getHeight() + 10;
+ }
+ int y = zTarget->getY() + zTarget->getHeight() / 2 - nodeHeight / 2;
+ bool start = 1;
+ AndNode* last = 0;
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ node->setPosition(zTarget->getX() - 21 - node->getBreite(), y);
+ if (start)
+ {
+ minY = y + node->getHeight() / 2;
+ }
+ y += node->getHeight() + 10;
+ start = 0;
+ last = node;
+ }
+ if (last)
+ {
+ y -= 10 + last->getHeight();
+ maxY = y + last->getHeight() / 2 + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxY = minY + 1;
+ }
+int OrConnection::getNeededHeight() const
+ int minY = 0;
+ int maxY = 0;
+ bool first = 1;
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ if (first || node->getY() < minY)
+ {
+ minY = node->getY();
+ }
+ if (first || node->getY() + node->getHeight() > maxY)
+ {
+ maxY = node->getY() + node->getHeight();
+ }
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ return maxY - minY;
+bool OrConnection::isActive() const
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ if (node->isActive()) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool OrConnection::isHorizontalLineConflict(int y) const
+ for (AndNode* node : andNodes)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < node->getConnectionCount(); i++)
+ {
+ Punkt connection = node->getTargetPosition(i);
+ if (abs(y - connection.y) < 5) return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
: ZeichnungHintergrund(),
- nodeIndex(-1)
+ nodeIndex(-1),
+ outgoingConnection(0),
+ incommingConnection(0),
+ finished(0),
+ rewarded(0),
+ mainQuest(0),
+ virtualNode(0),
+ animationProgress(0)
| ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Rahmen
@@ -186,15 +551,170 @@ QuestGraphItem::QuestGraphItem()
+ if (outgoingConnection) outgoingConnection->release();
+ if (incommingConnection) incommingConnection->release();
+bool QuestGraphItem::tick(double tickVal)
+ animationProgress += tickVal * 20;
+ if (animationProgress > getBreite() * 2 + getHeight() * 2 - 4)
+ {
+ animationProgress -= getBreite() * 2 + getHeight() * 2 - 4;
+ }
+ rend = 1;
+ return ZeichnungHintergrund::tick(tickVal);
+int getBorderX(int p, int width, int height)
+ if (p < width)
+ {
+ return p;
+ }
+ else if (p < width + height - 1)
+ {
+ return width - 1;
+ }
+ else if (p < width * 2 + height - 2)
+ {
+ return width - (p - width - height + 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int getBorderY(int p, int width, int height)
+ if (p < width)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (p < width + height - 1)
+ {
+ return p - width + 1;
+ }
+ else if (p < width * 2 + height - 2)
+ {
+ return height - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return height - (p - width * 2 - height + 3);
+ }
void QuestGraphItem::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ if (incommingConnection) incommingConnection->render(rObj);
+ if (isVirtual())
+ {
+ rObj.drawLinieH(
+ pos.x, pos.y, gr.x, isFinished() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF52525E);
+ return;
+ }
- // TODO
+ if (finished && !rewarded)
+ {
+ if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos.x, pos.y, gr.x - 1, gr.y - 1))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+ {
+ int p
+ = ((int)animationProgress + i) % (gr.x * 2 + gr.y * 2 - 4);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ p = ((int)animationProgress + i + gr.x - 1)
+ % (gr.x * 2 + gr.y * 2 - 4);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ p = ((int)animationProgress + i + gr.x + gr.y - 2)
+ % (gr.x * 2 + gr.y * 2 - 4);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ p = ((int)animationProgress + i + gr.x * 2 + gr.y - 3)
+ % (gr.x * 2 + gr.y * 2 - 4);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) - 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ rObj.setPixelDP(getBorderX(p, gr.x, gr.y),
+ getBorderY(p, gr.x, gr.y) + 1,
+ 0xFFFFFF00);
+ }
+ rObj.releaseDrawOptions();
+ }
+ }
+void QuestGraphItem::renderVerticalConnections(Framework::Bild& rObj)
+ if (outgoingConnection) outgoingConnection->renderVertical(rObj);
-void QuestGraphItem::doMausEreignis(Framework::MausEreignis& me, bool userRet)
+void QuestGraphItem::renderHorizontalConnections(Framework::Bild& rObj)
- // TODO
+ if (outgoingConnection) outgoingConnection->renderHorizontal(rObj);
+void QuestGraphItem::replacePreviousConnections(
+ QuestGraphItem* zBefore, QuestGraphItem* zAfter)
+ for (auto con = previousLayersConnections.begin(); con; con++)
+ {
+ if (con.val().target == zBefore) con.set({zAfter, con.val().id});
+ }
const Framework::Text& QuestGraphItem::getId() const
@@ -211,12 +731,12 @@ bool QuestGraphItem::calculateLaxerIndex()
int oldLayerIndex = layerIndex;
int maxLayerIndex = -1;
- for (QuestGraphItem* item : previousLayersConnections)
+ for (const ConnectionInfo& item : previousLayersConnections)
- if (item->getLayerIndex() < 0) return 0;
- if (item->getLayerIndex() > maxLayerIndex)
+ if (item.target->getLayerIndex() < 0) return 0;
+ if (item.target->getLayerIndex() > maxLayerIndex)
- maxLayerIndex = item->getLayerIndex();
+ maxLayerIndex = item.target->getLayerIndex();
layerIndex = maxLayerIndex + 1;
@@ -231,25 +751,33 @@ int QuestGraphItem::getLayerIndex() const
void QuestGraphItem::setVirtual(bool virtualNode)
this->virtualNode = virtualNode;
+ gr.y = virtualNode ? 1 : gr.y;
+ gr.x = 1;
setStyle(ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Sichtbar, virtualNode);
void QuestGraphItem::setNodeIndex(int index)
- this->nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
+ this->nodeIndex = index;
+void QuestGraphItem::addNextLayerRef(ConnectionInfo zItem)
+ nextLayersConnections.add(zItem);
-void QuestGraphItem::addNextLayerRef(QuestGraphItem* zItem)
+void QuestGraphItem::addPreviousLayerRef(ConnectionInfo zItem)
-void QuestGraphItem::addPreviousLayerRef(QuestGraphItem* zItem)
+void QuestGraphItem::initializeConnections()
- nextLayersConnections.add(zItem);
+ outgoingConnection = new Connection(this);
+ incommingConnection = new OrConnection(this, previousLayersConnections);
-const Framework::Array<QuestGraphItem*>&
+const Framework::Array<ConnectionInfo>&
QuestGraphItem::getNextLayersConnections() const
return nextLayersConnections;
@@ -265,6 +793,26 @@ bool QuestGraphItem::isMainQuest() const
return mainQuest;
+bool QuestGraphItem::isVirtual() const
+ return virtualNode;
+bool QuestGraphItem::isFinished() const
+ return virtualNode ? incommingConnection->isActive() : finished;
+Connection* QuestGraphItem::zOutgoingConnection() const
+ return outgoingConnection;
+OrConnection* QuestGraphItem::zIncommingConnection() const
+ return incommingConnection;
: ReferenceCounter()
@@ -284,6 +832,11 @@ void QuestGraphItemLayer::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ item->renderVerticalConnections(rObj);
+ }
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ item->renderHorizontalConnections(rObj);
@@ -304,38 +857,31 @@ void QuestGraphItemLayer::addItem(QuestGraphItem* item)
bool QuestGraphItemLayer::sortItems()
bool changed = 0;
- for (int index = 0; index < items.getEintragAnzahl(); index++)
+ for (int index = 0; index < items.getEintragAnzahl() - 1; index++)
QuestGraphItem* current = items.z(index);
- int beforeConflicts = 0;
- int afterConflicts = 0;
- for (QuestGraphItem* connection : current->getNextLayersConnections())
+ int conflicts = 0;
+ int afterSwapConflicts = 0;
+ QuestGraphItem* other = items.z(index + 1);
+ for (const ConnectionInfo& connection :
+ current->getNextLayersConnections())
- for (int j = 0; j < items.getEintragAnzahl(); j++)
+ for (const ConnectionInfo& otherConnection :
+ other->getNextLayersConnections())
- if (index != j)
+ if ((otherConnection.target->getNodeIndex()
+ < connection.target->getNodeIndex()))
- QuestGraphItem* other = items.z(j);
- for (QuestGraphItem* otherConnection :
- other->getNextLayersConnections())
- {
- if (j < index
- && otherConnection->getNodeIndex()
- > connection->getNodeIndex())
- {
- beforeConflicts++;
- }
- if ((j > index
- && otherConnection->getNodeIndex()
- < connection->getNodeIndex()))
- {
- afterConflicts++;
- }
- }
+ conflicts++;
+ }
+ if ((otherConnection.target->getNodeIndex()
+ > connection.target->getNodeIndex()))
+ {
+ afterSwapConflicts++;
- if (afterConflicts > beforeConflicts)
+ if (conflicts > afterSwapConflicts)
// move node down
QuestGraphItem* after = items.z(index + 1);
@@ -344,29 +890,98 @@ bool QuestGraphItemLayer::sortItems()
items.tausch(index, index + 1);
changed = 1;
- else if (afterConflicts < beforeConflicts)
- {
- // move node up
- QuestGraphItem* before = items.z(index - 1);
- before->setNodeIndex(index);
- current->setNodeIndex(index - 1);
- items.tausch(index - 1, index);
- changed = 1;
- }
return changed;
-bool QuestGraphItemLayer::fixItemPositions()
+int QuestGraphItemLayer::fixItemPositions(int x)
+ // calculate size needed for & nodes and | nodes
+ int maxWidth = 0;
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ item->initializeConnections();
+ item->zIncommingConnection()->layout();
+ if (item->getBreite() > maxWidth)
+ {
+ maxWidth = item->getBreite();
+ }
+ }
+ x += 20 + 21; // ofset for incomming connections
int y = 0;
+ // calculate y positions of nodes
for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
- item->setPosition(
- item->getLayerIndex() * 150 + 10 - item->isMainQuest() * 3, y);
- y += item->getHeight() + 20;
+ int height = 0;
+ int lastId = -1;
+ int nodeHeight = item->zIncommingConnection()->getNeededHeight();
+ if (nodeHeight < item->getHeight()) nodeHeight = item->getHeight();
+ item->setPosition(x + maxWidth / 2 - item->getBreite() / 2,
+ y + nodeHeight / 2 - item->getHeight() / 2);
+ y += nodeHeight + 20;
- return 0;
+ x += maxWidth; // this layers node size
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ item->zIncommingConnection()->layout();
+ item->zOutgoingConnection()->setVx(x);
+ item->zOutgoingConnection()->layout();
+ }
+ x += items.getEintragAnzahl() * 11 + 10; // offset for outgoing connections
+ return x + 20; // min space between layers
+void QuestGraphItemLayer::sortConnections()
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ item->zIncommingConnection()->layout();
+ item->zOutgoingConnection()->layout();
+ }
+ int connectionCount = 0;
+ bool* sorted = new bool[items.getEintragAnzahl()];
+ memset(sorted, 0, sizeof(bool) * items.getEintragAnzahl());
+ int sortedCount = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int minHeight = -1;
+ QuestGraphItem* next = 0;
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ if (sorted[item->getNodeIndex()]) continue;
+ if (item->zOutgoingConnection()->getTargetCount()
+ == connectionCount)
+ {
+ if (minHeight < 0
+ || item->zOutgoingConnection()->getVerticalLength()
+ < minHeight)
+ {
+ minHeight
+ = item->zOutgoingConnection()->getVerticalLength();
+ next = item;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!next)
+ {
+ if (sortedCount < items.getEintragAnzahl())
+ {
+ connectionCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ next->zOutgoingConnection()->setVx(
+ next->zOutgoingConnection()->getVx() + 10 + sortedCount * 11);
+ sorted[next->getNodeIndex()] = 1;
+ sortedCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] sorted;
const Framework::RCArray<QuestGraphItem>& QuestGraphItemLayer::getItems() const
@@ -378,11 +993,13 @@ int QuestGraphItemLayer::getLeyerHeight() const
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
+ bool first = 1;
for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
- if (item->getY() < start) start = item->getY();
- if (item->getY() + item->getHeight() > end)
+ if (first || item->getY() < start) start = item->getY();
+ if (first || item->getY() + item->getHeight() > end)
end = item->getY() + item->getHeight();
+ first = 0;
return end - start;
@@ -390,14 +1007,53 @@ int QuestGraphItemLayer::getLeyerHeight() const
void QuestGraphItemLayer::centerVertically(int pos)
int height = getLeyerHeight();
- int y = pos - height / 2;
+ int yOffset = pos - height / 2;
for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
- item->setPosition(item->getX(), y);
- y += item->getHeight() + 20;
+ item->setPosition(item->getX(), item->getY() + yOffset);
+ item->zIncommingConnection()->layout();
+ item->zOutgoingConnection()->layout();
+void QuestGraphItemLayer::resolveHorizontalConflicts(
+ const QuestGraphItemLayer* zNextLayer)
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ int outgoingY = item->getY() + item->getHeight() / 2;
+ if (zNextLayer->isHorizontalLineConflict(outgoingY))
+ {
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
+ {
+ if (!zNextLayer->isHorizontalLineConflict(outgoingY - i))
+ {
+ offset = -i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!zNextLayer->isHorizontalLineConflict(outgoingY + i))
+ {
+ offset = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ item->setPosition(item->getX(), item->getY() + offset);
+ item->zIncommingConnection()->layout();
+ item->zOutgoingConnection()->layout();
+ }
+ }
+bool QuestGraphItemLayer::isHorizontalLineConflict(int y) const
+ for (QuestGraphItem* item : items)
+ {
+ if (item->zIncommingConnection()->isHorizontalLineConflict(y)) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
: ZeichnungHintergrund()
@@ -409,9 +1065,19 @@ QuestGraph::QuestGraph()
+bool QuestGraph::tick(double tickVal)
+ for (QuestGraphItemLayer* layer : layers)
+ {
+ rend |= layer->tick(tickVal);
+ }
+ return ZeichnungHintergrund::tick(tickVal);
void QuestGraph::render(Framework::Bild& rObj)
- if (hatStyle(ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Sichtbar) && layers.getEintragAnzahl() > 0)
+ if (hatStyle(ZeichnungHintergrund::Style::Sichtbar)
+ && layers.getEintragAnzahl() > 0)
if (rObj.setDrawOptions(pos, gr))
@@ -479,33 +1145,41 @@ void QuestGraph::addVirtualConnectionNodes()
QuestGraphItem* item = layer->getItems().z(i);
auto iterator = item->getNextLayersConnections().begin();
QuestGraphItem* virtualItem = 0;
- for (; iterator; iterator++)
+ while (iterator)
- if (iterator->getLayerIndex() > layerIndex + 1)
+ if (iterator.val().target->getLayerIndex() > layerIndex + 1)
- bool remove = 1;
if (!virtualItem)
virtualItem = new QuestGraphItem();
- virtualItem->addPreviousLayerRef(item);
+ virtualItem->addPreviousLayerRef(
+ {item, iterator.val().id});
+ virtualItem->addNextLayerRef(
+ {iterator.val().target, iterator.val().id});
+ iterator.val().target->replacePreviousConnections(
+ item, virtualItem);
- remove = 0;
- }
- item->addNextLayerRef(iterator);
- if (remove)
- {
- iterator.remove();
+ iterator.set({virtualItem, iterator.val().id});
+ iterator++;
- iterator.set(virtualItem);
+ virtualItem->addNextLayerRef(
+ {iterator.val().target, iterator.val().id});
+ iterator.val().target->replacePreviousConnections(
+ item, virtualItem);
+ iterator.remove();
- else if (iterator->getLayerIndex() < 0)
+ else if (iterator.val().target->getLayerIndex() < 0)
{ // remove connections to invalid nodes
+ else
+ {
+ iterator++;
+ }
if (virtualItem)
@@ -531,20 +1205,20 @@ void QuestGraph::sortItems()
void QuestGraph::fixItemPositions()
- bool changed = 1;
int height = 0;
- while (changed)
+ int x = 0;
+ for (QuestGraphItemLayer* layer : layers)
- changed = 0;
- for (QuestGraphItemLayer* layer : layers)
+ x = layer->fixItemPositions(x);
+ if (layer->getLeyerHeight() > height)
- changed |= layer->fixItemPositions();
- if (layer->getLeyerHeight() > height)
- {
- height = layer->getLeyerHeight();
- }
+ height = layer->getLeyerHeight();
+ for (QuestGraphItemLayer* layer : layers)
+ {
+ layer->sortConnections();
+ }
if (height > getInnenHeight())
@@ -558,9 +1232,13 @@ void QuestGraph::fixItemPositions()
layers.getEintragAnzahl() * 150 - 80, getInnenBreite());
- for (QuestGraphItemLayer* layer : layers)
+ QuestGraphItemLayer *last = 0;
+ for (int i = layers.getEintragAnzahl() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ QuestGraphItemLayer* layer = layers.z(i);
layer->centerVertically(getHeight() / 2);
+ if (last) layer->resolveHorizontalConflicts(last);
+ last = layer;
@@ -579,4 +1257,4 @@ void QuestGraph::addItem(QuestGraphItem* item)