appendix.tex 4.4 KB

  1. \begin{table}[htp]
  2. \centering
  3. \small
  4. \begin{longtable}{p{7cm} p{7cm}}
  5. \rowcolor{gray!50}
  6. \textbf{Competency} & \textbf{Contributor} \\
  7. Producer & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  8. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  9. Producer & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  10. Lead Designer & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  11. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  12. Documentation & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  13. Lead Systems Programmer & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  14. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  15. Lead Graphics Programmer & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  16. Non-German Comments & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  17. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  18. Operations Director & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  19. Director Of Quality Assurance & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  20. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  21. Senior Community Manager & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  22. Lead Artist & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  23. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  24. Creative Director & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  25. Localization Producer & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  26. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  27. Manual Code Formatting & Kolja Samuel Strohm \\
  28. Black-Box Testing & Eren Bora Yilmaz \\
  29. \\\\\rowcolor{gray!25}
  30. Special Thanks & Jens Burmeister \\\\
  31. \end{longtable}
  32. \caption{Contributors}
  33. \label{table:contributors}
  34. \end{table}
  35. \begin{table}[ht]
  36. \centering
  37. \small
  38. \begin{longtable}{p{4cm} p{7cm} l}
  39. \rowcolor{gray!50}
  40. \textbf{Term} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Example} \\
  41. Phase & One phase of the Sugiyama approach~\cite{sugiyama_methods_1981} & Node Placement \\
  42. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  43. Stage & One stage of the BK algorithm~\cite{brandes_fast_2001} & Balancing \\
  44. Step & Atomic part of a stage of the BK algorithm~\cite{brandes_fast_2001} & Initializing a \reserved{for}-loop \\
  45. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  46. \appname & The name of the application for which this is the documentation & \\
  47. Extremal layout & Defines in which order the layers are traversed and if a node is aligned with its upper or lower median. & Leftmost lower \\
  48. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  49. Automatic execution & The state of the \code{ProcessController} where it repeatedly sends step commands with a certain delay & See section~\ref{sec:userInterface} \\
  50. Automatic backwards execution & Special case of automatic execution in backwards direction & See section~\ref{sec:userInterface} \\
  51. \rowcolor{gray!25}
  52. pseudocode & Code that does not clearly belong to a specific programming language.
  53. It can actually be executed, although we call it pseudocode. & see figure~\ref{fig:full-application-example} \\
  54. Processor & See section~\ref{sec:theActualAlgorithm}. & \\
  55. \\\\
  56. \end{longtable}
  57. \caption{Glossary for the most difficult terms as we use them.}
  58. \label{table:glossary}
  59. \end{table}
  60. \begin{figure}[htp]
  61. \centering
  62. \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{img/debug-table}
  63. \caption[Debug Table]{An example for a debug table. The graph used is the same as in figure~\ref{fig:example}}
  64. \label{fig:debug-table}
  65. \end{figure}
  66. \begin{figure}[htp]
  67. \begin{subfigure}[t]{.4\textwidth}
  68. \centering
  69. \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{img/random-graph-dialog}
  70. \caption[Random graph dialog]{Dialog for generating random graphs.}
  71. \label{fig:random-graph-dialog}
  72. \end{subfigure}
  73. \begin{subfigure}[t]{.6\textwidth}
  74. \centering
  75. \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{img/preferences}
  76. \caption[Preferences]{The dialog for adjusting the preferences.}
  77. \label{fig:preferences}
  78. \end{subfigure}
  79. \caption[Dialogs]{Dialogs}
  80. \label{fig:dialogs}
  81. \end{figure}
  82. \begin{figure}[htp]
  83. \begin{subfigure}[b]{.5\textwidth}
  84. \begin{lstinputlisting}[language=json,emph={},basicstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,numberstyle=\tiny]{src/error_disconnected.json}
  85. \end{lstinputlisting}
  86. \caption{A disconnected graph causing an error}
  87. \label{fig:error_disconnected_json}
  88. \end{subfigure}
  89. \begin{subfigure}[b]{.5\textwidth}
  90. \centering
  91. \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{img/error_disconnected}
  92. \caption[Illustration of the disconnected graph causing an error]{\code{n6} and \code{n7} drawn on each other}
  93. \label{fig:error_disconnected_img}
  94. \end{subfigure}
  95. \caption[Error in disconnected graph]{Example graph where the node placement algorithm does not behave correctly, possibly because it is not connected.}
  96. \label{fig:error_disconnected}
  97. \end{figure}