123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191 |
- \section{Assumptions}\label{sec:assumptions}
- The following assumptions are made for the implementation of the node placement algorithm:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item There are no hyperedges.
- \item There are no port constraints.
- \item There are no labels.
- \item There are no cross-hierarchy edges.
- \item No edges over multiple layers (the previous phases should have added dummy nodes).
- \item Graphs are connected (maybe we will get rid of this assumption later, see~\ref{ch:progress}).
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Components}\label{sec:components}
- \TODO{write about components and dependencies}
- Figure~\ref{fig:components} contains a component diagram that illustrates this.
- \begin{figure}[htp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 11cm 0 0,clip]{img/components.pdf}
- \caption[Component diagram]{Component diagram visualizing the architecture of \appname. Each component resembles a java package.}
- \label{fig:components}
- \end{figure}
- \section{Input File Format}\label{sec:inputFileFormat}
- The input to \appname is a JSON file.
- An example is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:json-example}.
- The structure is as follows:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The object in the JSON file is a node.
- \item A node has the attributes that are displayed in table~\ref{table:node-attributes}.
- \item An edge has the attributes that are displayed in table~\ref{table:edge-attributes}.
- \item Any additional attributes not listed here are ignored.
- For example they can be used as comment fields, to make the file more readable.
- \end{itemize}
- For parsing the JSON file the JSON-java library~\cite{leary_json-java:_2018} is used.
- The classes for reading and writing those JSON files are displayed in figure~\ref{fig:io}.
- The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{sec:graph}.
- \centering
- \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|p{8.5cm}|}
- \hline
- Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
- name & string & yes & If not omitted, this must be unique for a given parent node. \\\hline
- width & integer & yes & The minimum width of the node.
- The node can be wider if it contains other nodes that need more space.
- If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum width can be undercut.
- Default 40.\\\hline
- height & integer & yes & The minimum height of the node.
- The node can be higher if it contains other nodes that need more space.
- If the whole layout is too large, it is resized, such that all nodes are proportionately shrunk: In that case the minimum height can be undercut.
- Default 40.\\\hline
- dummy & boolean & yes & Iff this is set to yes, then the node is a dummy node. \\\hline
- layers & < < node > > & yes & The layers of nodes inside this node (Hierarchy). \\\hline
- edges & < edge > & yes & The edges between nodes whose parent node is this node. \\\hline
- \caption{Node Attributes. < \emph{element type} > is a list.}
- \label{table:node-attributes}
- \end{longtable}
- \raggedright
- \begin{figure}[htp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 20cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
- \caption[Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \code{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
- \label{fig:io}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{table}[htp]
- \centering
- \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|p{8.5cm}|}
- \hline
- Attribute & Type & Optional & Explanation \\\hline\hline
- source & string & no & The name of the source of this edge.
- Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{target} attribute. \\\hline
- target & string & no & The name of the target of this edge.
- Must be a node with the same parent node as the node specified by the \code{source} attribute. \\\hline
- \end{longtable}
- \caption{Edge Attributes}
- \label{table:edge-attributes}
- \end{table}
- %\begin{figure}[htp]
- % \centering
- % \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{img/json.png}
- % \caption[Input file format]{Input file format illustrated as a HERM diagram}
- % \label{fig:iff}
- %\end{figure}
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{lstinputlisting}[language=json,emph={}]{src/graph.json}
- \end{lstinputlisting}
- \caption[Example Input File]{Example Input file that is understood by \appname.}
- \label{fig:json-example}
- \end{figure}
- \section{Internal graph representation, \code{graph}}\label{sec:graph}
- One feature that is important to us, is to be able to work with hierarchical graphs (cf.\ chapter~\ref{ch:progress}).
- Therefore a node not only has edges to other nodes, but also it can contain other nodes and edges.
- So far this is similar to what we described in section~\ref{sec:inputFileFormat}.
- Additionally, there are multiple attributes that are used during the computation or as output variables.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The attributes \code{shift}, \code{sink}, \code{root} and \code{align} correspond to the variables used by Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001}.
- They are summarized in table~\ref{table:bk-variables}.
- \item The \code{parent} of a node is the node that contains it in the hierarchy.
- \item The attributes \code{x} and \code{y} are the coordinates of the node relative to its \code{parent}.
- There is one coordinate for each of the four extremal layouts and on coordinate for the combined layout.
- \end{itemize}
- Similarly, edges have additional attributes:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \code{dummy} specifies whether they are dummy edges.
- \item \code{conflicted} corresponds to the variable used by Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001} and indicates that this edge won't be drawn vertically.
- \item \code{bindPoints} is a list of bend points for the edge, including the beginning and end point of the edge.
- \end{itemize}
- A class diagram of the package \code{graph} is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:graph}.
- \begin{figure}[htp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 7.5cm 0 0,clip]{img/graph.pdf}
- \caption{Class diagram of the \code{graph} package.}
- \label{fig:graph}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{table}[htp]
- \begin{longtable}{|l|p{10cm}|}
- \hline
- Attribute & Explanation \\\hline\hline
- root & The root node of the block of this node.
- Unique for all nodes in the same block. \\\hline
- sink & The topmost sink in the block graph that can be reached from the block that this node belongs to.
- Only used for nodes that are the root of a block.
- Unique for all nodes in the same class. \\\hline
- shift & The shift of the class that this node belongs to.
- Only used for nodes that are a sink of a class. \\\hline
- \end{longtable}
- \caption{Variables also used by Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001}}
- \label{table:bk-variables}
- \end{table}
- \section{The actual algorithm}\label{sec:theActualAlgorithm}
- This section expects the reader to be familiar with the node placement algorithm by Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001}.
- We recommend section 3.2.1 of Carstens~\cite{carstens_node_2012} for a detailed explanation.
- A stage of the algorithm, interface \code{AlgorithmStage}, is an interval during which each step of the algorithm is performed in a similar way.
- Each time such a step is performed it returns whether the stage is already finished.
- For example, a forward step in the stage of calculating one extremal layout, \code{ExtremalLayoutCalc}, consists of either a step of calculating the blocks, \code{BlockCalc}, or a step of compacting the layout, \code{Compaction}.
- All the stages are displayed in class diagram~\ref{fig:animation_and_bk}.
- To be able to undo a step each stage needs to implement methods for both forward and backward steps.
- Note that the \code{AnimationController} is not a controller in the MVC sense that it processes user input, but in the sense that it \emph{controls} the execution of steps/stages.
- This works the following:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item The \code{MainView} creates a node placement algorithm (only \code{BKNodePlacement} available).
- It sends an \code{AnimationController} as a parameter for the constructor.
- \item The algorithm concurrently asks the \code{AnimationController} if it should do a forward or backward step.
- \item The \code{AnimationController} waits until it knows which action to take (for example if the user pressed the right arrow key).
- Alternatively, if the animation is not paused, it waits until a specific delay has passed.
- Then it returns to the algorithm which step to take next.
- \item The algorithm potentially calls one the step methods of other stages while executing one step.
- \end{enumerate}
- \begin{figure}[htp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 13cm 0 0,clip]{img/animation_and_bk.pdf}
- \caption{Class diagram of the packages \code{bk} and\code{animation}.}
- \label{fig:animation_and_bk}
- \end{figure}
- \section{View}\label{sec:view}
- This section only covers the software architecture regarding the views.
- For an explanation of what is actually displayed, see chapter~\ref{ch:ui}
- The distinguish two kinds of views:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The main window displays four regions for the different extremal layouts while also forwarding keyboard commands to the \code{AnimationController}.
- For this we use a \code{JFrame} from the Swing library.
- \item \code{EdgeView} and \code{NodeView} are \code{JPanel}s, which means they can be drawn onto the \code{JFrame}.
- For this they have to know about which part of the graph and which layout they belong to.
- \end{itemize}
- A class diagram of the packages \code{view} and \code{main} is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:view}.
- \begin{figure}[htp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 11cm 0 0,clip]{img/view.pdf}
- \caption{Class diagram of the packages \code{view} and \code{main}.}
- \label{fig:view}
- \end{figure}