1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- Note that since the application is still under construction, so not all screenshots may be up to date.
- \section{Graphical presentation of the running algorithm}\label{sec:graphicalPresentationOfTheRunningAlgorithm}
- \TODO{under construction}
- \TODO{reference~\ref{fig:animated}}
- \begin{figure}[tp]
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{img/example.jpg}
- \caption[A simple graph with 5 nodes]{A simple graph with 5 nodes after the four extremal layout have been computed, but not balanced yet.
- The vertical directions are down (upper row), up (lower row) and the horizontal directions are left (left column) and right (right column).
- The background colors of the nodes display which block they belong to: For example the two blue nodes on the top right are in the same block.
- Round nodes are the roots of the blocks.
- A colored circle on a node indicates the class that this node belongs to and is also the color of the topmost sink in the block graph.
- The node that is currently in the focus of the algorithm (whatever this means for the current stage) is highlighted with a grey square (here the node in the rightmost column on the bottom right).
- Although edges are not drawn during the node placement phase we added them here as straight lines to improve readability.}
- \label{fig:animated}
- \end{figure}
- \section{User interface}\label{sec:userInterface}
- Currently the only way to interact with the application is by keyboard events.
- It is planned to add both additional commands as well as some kind of graphical interface, see chapter~\ref{ch:progress}.
- \begin{longtable}{|l|l|}
- \hline
- Key & Action \\\hline\hline
- Left arrow key & Perform one forward step of the algorithm. \\\hline
- Right arrow key & Perform one backward step (\enquote{undo one step}) of the algorithm. \\\hline
- P & Pause/unpause the automatic execution. Initially paused. \\\hline
- D & Print a debug table to standard out. \\\hline
- \caption{Overview of the currently available keyboard commands.}
- \label{table:keys}
- \end{longtable}