@@ -33,46 +33,45 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:components} contains a component diagram that illustrates these
\section{System Requirements}\label{sec:systemRequirements}
- \centering
- \small
- \begin{longtable}{l l p{6cm}}
- \rowcolor{gray!50}
- \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
- Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
- Display & 1024 × 768 resolution & 1920 x 1080 resolution \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
- GPU & not any & not any\\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- Internet connection & not any & not any\\
- \\
- \end{longtable}
- \caption{System Requirements}
- \label{table:systemRequirements}
+\begin{longtable}{l l p{6cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Requirement} & \textbf{Minimum} & \textbf{Recommended} \\
+ Free disk space & 150MB & 150MB \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ Free RAM & 300MB (single window) & More for multiple windows/graphs \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ & & At least 2 GB for running the automatic tests. \\
+ Display & 1024 × 768 resolution & 1920 x 1080 resolution \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ CPU & capable of running java applications & faster is better \\
+ GPU & not any & not any\\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ Internet connection & not any & not any\\
+ \\
+ \caption{System Requirements}
+ \label{table:systemRequirements}
\section{Software Dependencies}\label{sec:softwareDependencies}
- \centering
- \small
- \begin{longtable}{l l p{6cm}}
- \rowcolor{gray!50}
- \textbf{Dependency} & \textbf{Version} \\
- Java & $\geq8$ \\
- \rowcolor{gray!25}
- JSON-java~\ref{leary_json-java:_2018} & \\
- Eclipse Layout Kernel~\ref{noauthor_elk:_2018} & \\
- \end{longtable}
- \caption[Software Dependencies]{Software Dependencies. If no version is given, all should work and the latest is recommended.}
- \label{table:softwareDependencies}
+\begin{longtable}{l p{1cm} p{6cm}}
+ \rowcolor{gray!50}
+ \textbf{Dependency} && \textbf{Version} \\
+ Java && $\geq8$ \\
+ \rowcolor{gray!25}
+ JSON-java~\ref{leary_json-java:_2018} && \\
+ Eclipse Layout Kernel~\ref{noauthor_elk:_2018} && \\
+ \\
+ \caption[Software Dependencies]{Software Dependencies. If no version is given, all should work and the latest is recommended.}
+ \label{table:softwareDependencies}
\section{Input File Format}\label{sec:inputFileFormat}
The input to \appname\ is a JSON file.