@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{s
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 20cm 0 0,clip]{img/io.pdf}
- \caption[Class diagram of the \enquote{io} package]{Class diagram of the \enquote{io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
+ \caption[Class diagram of the \enquote{graph.io} package]{Class diagram of the \enquote{graph.io} package, containing utilities for reading and writing graphs.}
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The internal representation of graphs is further explained in the section~\ref{s
-\section{Internal graph representation, \enquote{model}}\label{sec:model}
+\section{Internal graph representation, \enquote{graph}}\label{sec:model}
One feature that is important to us, is to be able to work with hierarchical graphs (cf.\ chapter~\ref{ch:progress}).
Therefore a node not only has edges to other nodes, but also it can contain other nodes and edges.
So far this is similar to what we described in section~\ref{sec:inputFileFormat}.
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ Similarly, edges have additional attributes:
\item \enquote{bindPoints} is a list of bend points for the edge, including the beginning and end point of the edge.
-A class diagram of the package \enquote{model} is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:model}.
+A class diagram of the package \enquote{graph} is displayed in figure~\ref{fig:model}.
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 6cm 0 0,clip]{img/model.pdf}
- \caption{Class diagram of the \enquote{model} package.}
+ \caption{Class diagram of the \enquote{graph} package.}
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ This works the following:
\item The algorithm potentially calls the step function of other alogrithms while executing one step.
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth,trim=0 9cm 0 0,clip]{img/algorithms_animated.pdf}
@@ -167,5 +168,5 @@ The distinguish two kinds of views:
\item The main window displays four regions for the different extremal layouts while also forwarding keyboard commands to the AnimationController.
For this we use a JFrame from the Swing library.
\item \enquote{EdgeView} and \enquote{NodeView} are JPanels, which means they can be drawn onto the JFrame.
- For this they have to know about which part of the model and which layout they belong to.
+ For this they have to know about which part of the graph and which layout they belong to.