@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import java.util.Collections;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import animation.AlgorithmStage;
-import animation.BackwardAction;
+import animation.AnimatedAlgorithm;
+import animation.CodeLine;
+import animation.ControlFlow;
+import animation.Memory;
import animation.PseudoCodeNode;
import animation.PseudoCodeNode.CodeAction;
-import bk.ExtremalLayoutCalc.LayoutType;
import graph.LayeredGraphNode;
import lib.TextLayoutHelper;
@@ -20,530 +22,28 @@ import lib.TextLayoutHelper;
public class Compaction implements AlgorithmStage{
- private enum CompactionState
- {
- }
- private class StackFrame
- {
- public LayeredGraphNode v;
- public LayeredGraphNode u;
- public LayeredGraphNode w;
- }
- private CompactionState state;
private LayeredGraphNode graph;
- private int vIndex;
+ private AnimatedAlgorithm alg;
- private ArrayList< StackFrame > stack; // TODO: evtl richtigen "Stack" benutzen
- private ArrayList< BackwardAction > actions; // TODO: evtl richtigen "Stack" benutzen
- private LayoutType layout;
- private PseudoCodeNode placeNode;
- private PseudoCodeNode placeLoopNode;
- private PseudoCodeNode applyNode;
- private PseudoCodeNode applyLoopNode;
- private boolean breakPoint;
- private boolean inside;
- private boolean skip;
- public Compaction( LayeredGraphNode graph, LayoutType layout )
+ public Compaction( LayeredGraphNode graph, AnimatedAlgorithm alg )
- this.layout = layout;
this.graph = graph;
- state = CompactionState.PLACE_BLOCKS;
- stack = new ArrayList<>(); // der call-stack des rekursiven algorithmus
- vIndex = 0;
- actions = new ArrayList<>();
- inside = false;
- skip = false;
- }
- /**
- * calculates the minimum spacing needed between two left borders of nodes.
- * @return the spacing
- */
- public double calcSpacing()
- {
- double max = 0;
- for( LayeredGraphNode n : graph.getContainedNodes() )
- max = Math.max( max, n.getWidth( layout ) );
- //return max + 25;
- return max + 5;
- }
- private LayeredGraphNode getNodeFromIndex( int index )
- {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- ArrayList<ArrayList<LayeredGraphNode>> layer = (ArrayList<ArrayList<LayeredGraphNode>>) graph.getContainedLayers().clone();
- if( layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_LEFT || layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_RIGHT )
- Collections.reverse( layer );
- for( ArrayList< LayeredGraphNode > l : layer )
- {
- if( index >= l.size() )
- index -= l.size();
- else
- {
- if( layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_LEFT || layout == LayoutType.TOP_BOTTOM_LEFT )
- return l.get( index );
- else
- return l.get( l.size() - index - 1 );
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public StageStatus forwardStep() {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- int acSize = actions.size();
- if( state == CompactionState.PLACE_BLOCKS ) // blöcke platzieren
- {
- inside = true;
- boolean sel = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction action = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !sel )
- breakPoint = action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- action = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- if( stack.size() == 0 ) // äußere schleife, placeblocks bisher nicht aufgerufen
- {
- ArrayList< LayeredGraphNode > nodes = graph.getContainedNodes();
- boolean found = false; // knoten mit v = root[v] gefunden?
- int oldVIndex = vIndex; // nötig für "undo"
- // suche knoten mit v = root[v] und undefiniertem x-Wert
- for( ; vIndex < nodes.size(); vIndex++ )
- {
- if( getNodeFromIndex( vIndex ).isXUndefined( layout ) && getNodeFromIndex( vIndex ) == getNodeFromIndex( vIndex ).getRoot( layout ) )
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // kein knoten gefunden
- if( !found )
- {
- // wechsele in die phase des Blöckeshiftens
- placeNode.setSelected( false );
- placeLoopNode.setSelected( false );
- sel = applyNode.isSelected();
- action = applyNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !sel )
- breakPoint |= action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- action = applyLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- state = CompactionState.APPLY_SHIFT;
- inside = false;
- vIndex = 0;
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- applyNode.setSelected( false );
- applyLoopNode.setSelected( false );
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- vIndex = oldVIndex;
- inside = false;
- state = CompactionState.PLACE_BLOCKS;
- } );
- }
- else // Knoten gefunden
- {
- StackFrame f = new StackFrame(); // enthält lokale variablen
- f.v = getNodeFromIndex( vIndex );
- double oldX = f.v.getX( layout ); // nötig für "undo"
- f.v.setX( 0, true, layout );
- f.w = f.v;
- f.w.setSelected( layout ); // zeige knoten als aktiven knoten an
- System.out.println( "call place_block( " + f.v + " )" );
- stack.add( 0, f );
- // die "undo"-action
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setX( oldX, false, layout );
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setSelected( layout );
- stack.remove( 0 );
- vIndex = oldVIndex;
- state = CompactionState.PLACE_BLOCKS;
- });
- }
- }
- else // zurzeit innerhalb einer placeblock methode
- {
- StackFrame sf = stack.get( 0 );
- if( sf.u == null ) // zu beginn der placeblock methode
- {
- int posW = graph.getContainedLayers().get( sf.w.getLayer() ).indexOf( sf.w );
- if( (posW >= 1 && (layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_LEFT || layout == LayoutType.TOP_BOTTOM_LEFT)) || (posW < graph.getContainedLayers().get( sf.w.getLayer() ).size() - 1 && (layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_RIGHT || layout == LayoutType.TOP_BOTTOM_RIGHT)) ) // if pos[w] > 1"
- {
- int offset = -1;
- if( layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_RIGHT || layout == LayoutType.TOP_BOTTOM_RIGHT )
- offset = 1;
- sf.u = graph.getContainedLayers().get( sf.w.getLayer() ).get( posW + offset ).getRoot( layout );
- if( sf.u.isXUndefined( layout ) ) // nötig placeblock aufzurufen?
- {// ja
- StackFrame nsf = new StackFrame(); // enthält lokale variablen
- nsf.v = sf.u;
- double oldX = nsf.v.getX( layout ); // nötig für "undo"
- nsf.v.setX( 0, true, layout );
- nsf.w = nsf.v;
- nsf.w.setSelected( layout ); // zeige knoten als aktiven knoten an
- System.out.println( "call place_block( " + nsf.v + " )" );
- stack.add( 0, nsf );
- // die "undo"-action
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setX( oldX, false, layout );
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setSelected( layout );
- stack.remove( 0 );
- stack.get( 0 ).u = null;
- });
- }
- else // nein
- {
- // tue nix
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.get( 0 ).u = null;
- });
- }
- }
- else
- { // w = align[w]
- LayeredGraphNode oldW = sf.w;
- sf.w = sf.w.getAlign( layout );
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- if( sf.w == sf.v ) // schleifenabbruchbedingung
- { //abbrechen, placeblock beendet
- System.out.println( "return place_block( " + sf.v + " )" );
- stack.remove( 0 );
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.add( 0, sf );
- sf.w = oldW;
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- });
- }
- else
- { //nur "undo aktion" hinzufügen
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- sf.w = oldW;
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- });
- }
- }
- }
- else // ein "placeBlock(u)" aufruf hat gerade returned
- {
- // alte Werte merken für undo
- LayeredGraphNode oldSink = sf.v.getSink( layout );
- LayeredGraphNode sinkOfU = sf.u.getSink( layout );
- double oldShift = sinkOfU.getShift( layout );
- double oldX = sf.v.getX( layout );
- boolean oldDef = !sf.v.isXUndefined( layout );
- // v für visualisierung markieren
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- if( sf.v.getSink( layout ) == sf.v ) // sink[v] = v?
- sf.v.setSink( sf.u.getSink( layout ), layout ); // sink[v] := sink[u]
- int multiplyer = 1;
- if( layout == LayoutType.BOTTOM_TOP_RIGHT || layout == LayoutType.TOP_BOTTOM_RIGHT )
- multiplyer = -1;
- if( sf.v.getSink( layout ) != sf.u.getSink( layout ) ) // sink[v] != sink [u]?
- sf.u.getSink( layout ).setShift( // shift[sink[u]] =
- Math.min( sf.u.getSink( layout ).getShift( layout ), // min(shift[sink[u]]
- multiplyer * (Math.abs(sf.v.getX( layout )) - Math.abs(sf.u.getX( layout )) - calcSpacing()) ), layout ); // y_v - y_u - s
- else
- // y_v = max {y_v, y_u + s}
- sf.v.setX( multiplyer * Math.max( Math.abs( sf.v.getX( layout ) ), Math.abs( sf.u.getX( layout ) ) + calcSpacing() ), true, layout );
- // alte Werte merken für undo
- LayeredGraphNode oldW = sf.w;
- LayeredGraphNode oldU = sf.u;
- sf.w = sf.w.getAlign( layout ); // w = align[w]
- sf.u = null; // u wird nächsten schleifendurchlauf neu gesetzt
- if( sf.w == sf.v ) // schleifenabbruchbedingung
- { //abbrechen, placeblock beendet
- System.out.println( "return place_block( " + sf.v + " )" );
- stack.remove( 0 );
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.add( 0, sf );
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setSink( oldSink, layout );
- sinkOfU.setShift( oldShift, layout );
- sf.u = oldU;
- sf.v.setX( oldX, oldDef, layout );
- sf.w = oldW;
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- });
- }
- else
- { //nur "undo aktion" hinzufügen
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = placeNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = placeLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- inside = true;
- stack.get( 0 ).v.setSink( oldSink, layout );
- sinkOfU.setShift( oldShift, layout );
- sf.u = oldU;
- sf.v.setX( oldX, oldDef, layout );
- sf.w = oldW;
- sf.w.setSelected( layout );
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if( state == CompactionState.APPLY_SHIFT )// "Compute absolute coordinates"
- {
- inside = true;
- skip = false;
- boolean sel = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction action = applyNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !sel )
- breakPoint |= action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- action = applyLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= action == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= action == CodeAction.SKIP;
- if( vIndex >= graph.getContainedNodes().size() )
- {
- inside = false;
- applyNode.setSelected( false );
- applyLoopNode.setSelected( false );
- return StageStatus.FINISHED;
- }
- LayeredGraphNode v = getNodeFromIndex( vIndex );
- double oldX = v.getX( layout );
- boolean oldDef = !v.isXUndefined( layout );
- v.setSelected( layout );
- v.setX( v.getRoot( layout ).getX( layout ), true, layout ); // y_v = y_root[v]
- if( v == v.getRoot( layout ) && v.getSink( layout ).getShift( layout ) < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY )
- v.setX( v.getX( layout ) + v.getSink( layout ).getShift( layout ), true, layout );
- actions.add( 0, ()-> {
- inside = true;
- breakPoint = false;
- skip = false;
- boolean selected = placeNode.isSelected();
- CodeAction ac = applyNode.setSelected( true );
- if( !selected )
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- ac = applyLoopNode.setSelected( true );
- breakPoint |= ac == CodeAction.STOP;
- skip |= ac == CodeAction.SKIP;
- v.setX( oldX, oldDef, layout );
- v.setSelected( layout );
- vIndex--;
- } );
- vIndex++;
- if( vIndex >= graph.getContainedNodes().size() )
- {
- applyNode.setSelected( false );
- applyLoopNode.setSelected( false );
- return StageStatus.FINISHED;
- }
- }
- if( actions.size() != acSize + 1 )
- System.out.println( "ERROR" );
- if( breakPoint )
- return StageStatus.BREAKPOINT;
- if( skip )
- return forwardStep();
- return StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- }
- @Override
- public StageStatus backwardStep() {
- if( actions.size() == 0 )
- {
- inside = false;
- placeNode.setSelected( false );
- placeLoopNode.setSelected( false );
- return StageStatus.FINISHED;
- }
- actions.get( 0 ).reverse();
- actions.remove( 0 );
- if( breakPoint )
- return StageStatus.BREAKPOINT;
- if( skip )
- return backwardStep();
- return StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
+ this.alg = alg;
public PseudoCodeNode createPseudocodeTree( JTree tree ) {
- PseudoCodeNode root = new PseudoCodeNode( TextLayoutHelper.setupPseudoCodeStage("Horizontal compaction"), tree );
- placeNode = new PseudoCodeNode( TextLayoutHelper.setupPseudoCodeStage("Root coordinates relative to sink"), tree );
- placeLoopNode = new PseudoCodeNode( "Loop through root nodes...", tree );
- placeNode.add( placeLoopNode );
- applyNode = new PseudoCodeNode( TextLayoutHelper.setupPseudoCodeStage("Absolute coordinates"), tree );
- applyLoopNode = new PseudoCodeNode( "Loop through all nodes...", tree );
- applyNode.add( applyLoopNode );
- root.add( placeNode );
- root.add( applyNode );
+ PseudoCodeNode root = new PseudoCodeNode( TextLayoutHelper.setupPseudoCodeStage("Horizontal compaction"), tree, new CodeLine() {
+ @Override
+ public ControlFlow runForward(Memory m) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, alg );
return root;
- @Override
- public StageStatus forwardStepOver() {
- if( !inside )
- {
- CompactionState oldState = state;
- StageStatus stage = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( state == oldState && stage == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- stage = forwardStep();
- return stage;
- }
- else
- return forwardStep();
- }
- @Override
- public StageStatus forwardStepOut() {
- if( !inside )
- {
- StageStatus status = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( status == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- status = forwardStep();
- return status;
- }
- else
- {
- CompactionState oldState = state;
- StageStatus stage = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( state == oldState && stage == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- stage = forwardStep();
- return stage;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public StageStatus backwardStepOver() {
- if( !inside )
- {
- CompactionState oldState = state;
- StageStatus stage = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( state == oldState && stage == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- stage = backwardStep();
- return stage;
- }
- else
- return backwardStep();
- }
- @Override
- public StageStatus backwardStepOut() {
- if( !inside )
- {
- StageStatus status = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( status == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- status = backwardStep();
- return status;
- }
- else
- {
- CompactionState oldState = state;
- StageStatus stage = StageStatus.UNFINISHED;
- while( state == oldState && stage == StageStatus.UNFINISHED )
- stage = backwardStep();
- return stage;
- }
- }
public String getDebugString()