@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The following assumptions are made for the implementation of the node placement
Regarding the last assumption, we found an example where for a disconnected graph the algorithm behaved incorrectly.
Maybe we will get rid of this assumption later, see chapter~\ref{ch:progress}.
We are currently investigating another example, where the algorithm behaves incorrectly for a connected graph.
-These two examples are included in the appendix (figures~\ref{fig:error_disconnected_img},~\ref{fig:error_connected_img},~\ref{fig:error_disconnected}, and~\ref{fig:error_connected},).
+These two examples are included in the appendix (figures~\ref{fig:error_disconnected_img},~\ref{fig:error_connected_img},~\ref{fig:error_disconnected}, and~\ref{fig:error_connected}).