@@ -57,15 +57,6 @@
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=0.33\linewidth]{img/error_connected}
- \caption[Error caused by connected graph]{An illustration of the error that was caused by the graph displayed in figure~\ref{fig:error_connected}.
- In the fourth layer the last two nodes were drawn at the same position.
- The error has been fixed, see section~\ref{sec:knownIssues}.}
- \label{fig:error_connected_img}
@@ -73,12 +64,3 @@
The error is illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:error_disconnected_img}.}
- \begin{lstinputlisting}[language=json,emph={},basicstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,numberstyle=\tiny]{src/error_connected.json}
- \end{lstinputlisting}
- \caption[Connected graph causing an error]{Example graph where the node placement algorithm did not behave correctly, even though it is connected.
- This was a problem with our implementation and has been fixed, see section~\ref{sec:knownIssues}.
- The former error is illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:error_connected_img}.}
- \label{fig:error_connected}