@@ -30,26 +30,28 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:originalpapergraph} compares our results to those of Brandes and
\caption[A simple graph with 5 nodes]{A simple graph with 5 nodes after the four extremal layout have been computed, but not balanced yet.
- The vertical directions are down (upper row), up (lower row) and the horizontal directions are left (left column) and right (right column).
- The background colors of the nodes display which block they belong to: For example the two red nodes on the upper right are in the same block.
+ The vertical directions are upper (upper row), lower (lower row) and the horizontal directions are leftmost (left column) and rightmost (right column).
+ The colors of the nodes display which block they belong to: For example the two red nodes in the leftmost upper extremal layout are in the same block.
+ Grey nodes are their own blocks consisting of only one node.
Round nodes are the roots of the blocks.
- A colored circle on a node indicates the class that this node belongs to and is also the color of the associated sink in the block graph.
+ The background color of a node indicates the class that this node belongs to.
The node that is currently in the focus of the algorithm (whatever this means for the current stage) is highlighted in black color.
- Although edges are not drawn during the node placement phase we added them here as straight lines to improve readability.}
+ Although edges are not drawn during the node placement phase we added them here as straight lines to improve readability.
+ If any edge was marked as conflicted, it would have been drawn in red color.}
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{img/bk-example-theirs}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{img/bk-example-theirs}
\caption{An example graph directly taken from the paper of Brandes and Köpf~\cite{brandes_fast_2001}.}
- \includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{img/bk-example-ours}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.75\linewidth]{img/bk-example-ours}
\caption[The same graph as~\ref{fig:theirs}, displayed by \appname.]{The same graph as~\ref{fig:theirs}, displayed by \appname.
The layouts are leftmost (first column), rightmost (third column), upper (first row) and lower (third row), respectively.
The balanced layout is in the center.